Chapter - 17

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Story suggestion: Hello everyone please give a read and support " An Unforeseen Surprise of my Life" by aparajithawrites

Recap: Mithra arrive at the party and Goutham thank his employees for the support 


Mithra and Nithya searched for Goutham to take leave from the party but they couldn't see him instead Rehman came rushing to Mithra with a worried face.

Mithra: what happened Rehman ? Why do you look worried and where is Goutham ?

Rehman: Mithra, we got into a problem. The files which we had worked yesterday for the tender are hacked. Tomorrow morning we have to submit the tender please join me.

Nithya: Its already late do you mind me staying back ?

Rehman: Ofcourse you can but I can't take you along or you can leave and I will arrange to drop Mithra at her home.

Mithra: Nithi you leave and I will leave after finishing with the work. If my parents call you tell them we are together in the party.

Nithya nodded and left from there. Rehman guided Mithra to the corner of the ball room and placed a laptop before her to work on the tender files. One by one employees started leaving and left was now Mithra and Rehman.

Rehman: I will get water for you just do the work. I will be back soon.

Mithra nodded and Rehman left from there. A few minutes later the room went dark scaring Mithra. She stood from her seat calling for Rehman but there was no reponse. She gulped and bit her lips in fear but soon a dim purple light appeared above her. She looked above and again there was a blue light by one many colorful lights started illuminating like a light show. She smiled a bit and again the light went off completely only to appear as " Happy birthday Mithra " on the wall and soon rose petals started falling from the ceiling. 

Mithra shrieked in joy and spread her hand enjoying it. The door opened and she saw Goutham standing with a huge bunch of flowers in his hand, he had removed his blazer and looked hot as he walked with his one hand in his pocket. Goutham stood less than an arm distance to her and gave her the flowers.

Goutham: Happy birthday Mithra....very happy birthday to you...I wish nothing but to see this smile forever.

Mithra looked at the roses in her hand and smiled at him.

Goutham: Thank you for wearing this saree, you look......beautiful Mithra....I couldn't move my eyes from the goddess of beauty before me.

Mithra: Thank you Mr. Flirting master... how did you get to arrange all these ?

Goutham: You need to look from eyes how beautiful you are Mithra. You took my breathe away and about the arrangements that was not a hard thing to do. A call was all required and the job was over. 

Mithra averted her gaze from him as her cheeks started hurting from continuous blushing. Goutham showed his palm and Mithra slowly placed her hand in his. Goutham smiled and took her to the centre of the room where a food trolley was placed with a huge cake.

Goutham: A person will never forget the first and last person who wished their birthday. In that way I have been your first and even the last person to wish you on your birthday. Will you do the honours to cut the cake ?

Mithra took the knife and cut a piece of cake and Goutham clapped his hand for her. She took a peice of cake in her hand and hesitated if she should feed him or give it into his hand. Goutham held her wrist bringing it near his mouth. Mithra beamed in happiness and fed him. 

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