Chapter - 23

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Recap: Goutham propose Mithra through his songs and later Mithra get to know that he is younger than her.


Goutham sat in his car hitting the steering in frustration. His heart ached to see her hurt and her tears slit his soul. He closed his eyes and sighed to calm his mind before Mithra would join him. 

Goutham: Calm down man, long way to go and now she needs you more. She will have a dozen of questions and be patient to give her the comfort. 

Goutham saw Mithra and Nithya walking towards his car and Mithra was biting her lower lips to control her sob and Nithya had her hand wrapped around her shoulder. As soon they reached his car Goutham opened the door for her and Mithra hesitated.

Goutham: Mithra, get in please.

Nithya gave a squeeze to her hand and left from there. Mithra sat in the passenger seat and closed the door. She did not look at him and sobbed silently. Goutham picked the water bottle and passed it to her. Mithra shook her head and denied to take water.

Goutham waited for some time for her to calm down but she was crying non stop. Goutham huffed and took out his handkey and held her chin to look at him. He wiped the tears from her eyes, cheeks and moved the hairs that were messily falling on her face.

Goutham: Mithra, please stop crying and have some water. We will talk out everything.

He held her chin and made her forcefully drink some water. He leaned closer and buckled her seatbelt before he started driving. All the way Mithra was crying and when Goutham tried to hold her hand she didn't let him hold. Goutham understood her situation and didn't force further. After a while she stopped crying but didn't look at him and had her gaze out of the window.

Goutham parked his car and quickly got down to open the door for Mithra. She saw the huge building and wanted to question him but stopped herself. Goutham held her wrist and walked to the elevator. He pressed the topmost floor and Mithra was still looking at the floor. The sound of the elevator opening broke her trance and Goutham walked out followed by Mithra. He punched some code and the door opened to his penthouse.

Mithra stood in the middle of the living not giving any importance to the place which looked classy. Goutham walked to his kitchen and returned with water and juice for her.

Goutham: Sit down Mithra and we shall talk about whatever you want at this time.

Mithra did not sit but she looked at him with her eyes puff from crying. She shook her head in dejection. Goutham held her shoulders to make her sit but she swat his hands.

Mithra: Why did you do this Goutham ? 

Goutham: do what Mithra ?

Mithra: Ohh please stop your word games and now tell me did you know that we had the age difference before you started leading on me ?

Goutham: Yes, I knew and even if I didn't knew does that really matters ?

Mithra: Ofcourse it matters. How could this happen between us ? Its wrong ..we are wrong....this cannot happen..

Goutham: I thought you had a different thinking Mithra. What do you mean by we are wrong by the way and what can't happen between us ? Everything is right...we are right Mithra. Who cares about a fucking age ?

Mithra: Everyone cares Goutham...your mother is so anxious to marry you to her niece will she accept me someone who is older than her son ? Not even in your dreams your parents will let this happen. About my parents I can never think of it. They are just typical conservative parents and how do you expect me to introduce you to them. Like maa, appa he is Goutham, he is ....

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