Chapter - 103

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Recap: Goutham feels restless and orders the pilot to contact the base for returning back to chennai. Rehman watches the car explode and shed tears in his half conscious state.


Tara was in her friend's home as she wanted privacy away from Pranav and his men to co ordinate with the airport officials to manage Goutham's return to chennai. She received the call from the officer who informed her that Goutham was also demanding his return which shocked her. Still she made it clear that Goutham shouldn't be aware of Rehman's words in his return and requested him to go along with his words and act accordingly.

Goutham was running out patience waiting for the reply from the pilot. The pilot who contacted the base got in contact with the officer who worked for Rehman and Goutham. He clearly instructed him to give into Goutham's demand and announce the deterioration of his health to request for emergency landing.

The airhostess again returned to Goutham and passed the radio to him.

Goutham: Tell its a ok and nothing else.

Pilot: I have passed the information that you are suffering health issues and requested for emergency landing so we will be landing but not in chennai. We will be landing in Delhi and you need to take a flight to chennai from there.

Goutham: that is brilliant. I will contact my friend in AAL requesting time for all the enquires but be assured I will take complete responsibility out of this. Thank you.

Pilot: You are welcome sir. Please buckled your seat belt and we will be landing once the Delhi base gives us clearance for landing.

Goutham was thankful for returning yet he couldn't smile and waited for the landing. 30 minutes later he landed in Delhi and called the officer whom Rehman too contacted for his return and informed everything and the officer reacted as if he was hearing only from Goutham and also helped for the immediate flight to chennai.

Goutham was seated in the economy class and called Mithra but her number was not reachable. He bit his lips to control his frustration and called Rehman first who didn't answer his call and he called Bala who also didn't answer his call.

Goutham Mv: what the fuck is wrong with everyone ? Why are they not answering my calls ? Sure something is wrong. God, keep my Mithra safe at any cost. She is my life.

He called his father who answered the call in the first ring.

Goutham: Appa, what is happening why is Mithra's number not reachable ? Even Rehman is not answering my calls.

Ravi: Goutham, where are you now ? Have you returned to chennai already ?

Goutham: Wait, you knew I was returning ? Appa, please tell me Mithra is fine. Where is she ? Let me talk to her please.

Ravi: Goutham, I will send driver to pick you up from airport and we will discuss everything once you are here.

Goutham: Appa, you are testing my patience. WHERE IS MY MITHRA ?

Ravi: Mithra is kidnapped and Rehman has gone to save her. I m at commissioner office and he has called for a team to help us. Now don't panic and come over. Mithra will be safe and nothing will happen to her.

Goutham couldn't speak a word and cut the call shutting his eyes in rage on himself in the first place for leaving her back which caused her kidnapping. 

Goutham Mv: Mithra.......

He never thought of anything other than Mithra and only opened his eyes the moment pilot announced the landing at chennai. He opened his eyes and rushed to the exit waiting for the door to be opened and stormed out running out of the airport like a mad man. The airport security staff was already informed about Goutham's arrival and a few cops who was waiting to escort him saw him running and followed him. Before they could call him to join him in their jeep to reach the commissioner office Goutham saw his driver opening the back door of his car but Goutham closed the door and opened the driver seat and opened the app to track Mithra by the chip from her ring and started driving towards it with the cops following him behind.

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