Chapter - 61

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Recap: Goutham and Vinay reveal about their first meet partially and Vinay's support to their love


Goutham and Vinay were tensed to see Mithra glaring at them. They were scared she might have heard their conversation.

Mithra: You two stop clinging on to each other or Mr. Goutham you will have all your saturdays with your favourite brother in law and not your wife.

Vinay: Yesssss, Mams we can play without any disturbance.

Goutham: Nooo, I want my wife. Mithra darling I don't even know this guy. He is following me for a long time. Better we will leave this place.

Vinay clutched his heart and heaved his chest glaring at his lovely sister and traitor of her husband. Goutham ruffled his hair and they entered inside the wedding hall. Professor hugged Goutham and made them comfortable in the place. Once the wedding was over the trio reached the penthouse and Mithra cooked lunch for them and the two culprits were playing games. On finishing the cooking Mithra entered the room and saw them busy in playing.

Mithra: I m now getting jealous of my own brother.

Goutham: You don't need to be jealous of anyone sunshine. Now come here and lets play together.

Once Mithra neared him he pulled her to sit between his legs and passed the controller in her hand. He started guiding her and played with the controller in her hand. Mithra stuck her tongue out when she was lost too much into the game. She yanked her hands away from Goutham's hold and started playing on her own. 

Goutham smiled and watched her playing and the tip of tongue that was peeking out. He nuzzled into her neck and smooched her nape.

Vinay: I may have my eyes on the screen but my ears are open to all sounds. 

Goutham hit the back of vinay's head for the comment and continued with playing with her body as he touched, pinched and drew circles on her bare waist. Vinay won the game and screamed bringing him back to the reality. Once Vinay ran out of room Mithra turned around and started hitting Goutham.

Mithra: All because of you. I would have won if you didn't distract me.

Goutham leaned to her ear and slowly spoke in a huskey voice only for her to hear.

Goutham: So , you were distracted then ? Your curled toes are telling me all stories of what is happening to you. How about I send Vinay to meet his friends and we will pick him later in the evening. 

Mithra: Shut up. Did you forget I need to speak to your father in law today ?

Goutham: Yeah , my father in law.. ofcourse. I wish he accept immediately and I will take you back with me by today only.

Vinay returned to the room with bottle of water.

Vinay: What will you do if my father accept without any argument ?

Goutham: Actually me and my wife have already discussed about this. We wanted to someone to get his head tonsure and I think you will be the best for it. What say wifey ?

Mithra: I would love to see my brother without hairs.

Vinay: God, have some mercy. How could you trap me between two cruel people ? 

Mithra: Lunch is ready lets go.

Goutham: When you both return home I will follow too and stay close by somewhere so that I can come over quickly if you need my presence to talk your father.

Mithra: What if I take a long time to start the conversation ? I don't want you to roam just like that. I will call you if you are needed.

Goutham: Don't worry about me. I m more worried about you so it won't be a problem for me to have a few cup of coffee in some nearby restaurant or some ice cream.

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