Chapter- 77

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Story suggestion: Hello everyone please give a read to the book " Married her for heirs " by our SanthaMoni All the ver best Moni.❤️😍

Recap: Goutham and Mithra arrive to the meeting and Mithra is shocked to see the quote amount and the presentation were tapped by PV groups.


Mithra stormed out the hall and Goutham informed Rehman to handle and rushed out following Mithra. He stopped her holding her wrist and pulled her to corner and kissed her forehead saying sweet nothings to calm her.

Goutham: Calm down darling just don't let your emotions win over in situations like this instead let your mind to work. Be calm and take a breathe. Don't show your weakness to anyone, you should bounce back and show your strength. 

Mithra: I will not let go easily of whoever did this to us. This was the team work of our employees and us which we did for the past 10 days. We spent so much time inspite of our wedding reception. 

Goutham: Your reactions should be secondary and put your actions to success first Mithra. Time and chances doesn't wait for anyone so now take a breathe and we are getting back inside. All the talks we will have after the meeting.

Mithra nodded her head and he pecked her eyes and they walked back to the hall and saw Tara still on her presentation. Rehman saw Goutham and he gestured everything was fine. Mithra looked at the pendrive plugged on her laptop and removed it shoving aside and picked another pendrive and looked at it, her thoughts drifting to a few hours before the day she had a meeting with her team in finalizing the designs.


Goutham and Mithra were driving to office and Mithra saw Goutham was deep in thoughts. When they arrived at office Goutham parked his car and turned Mithra to face him.

Goutham: Mithra, I wanted you to do something today. Remember business is not as easy as it looks so today when you hold the meeting for the design selection just reject the designs which you seem to the best one.

Mithra: What ? Are you insane ? Why should we reject the best designs ?

Goutham: We don't know who is loyal and who is crouching to pounce on us so we need to work in a smart way. Reject those designs which you feel are best and wanted to include in the presentation and approve the ones which are good and finalize those designs in the meeting. Once you are home make a backup presentation of those rejected designs. We cannot predict people or the opportunities so its always good to be planned to every situation. Got it ?

Mithra: hmm smart boy and this is why you are so successful in a very short span of time. I appreciate your thoughts Mr. Goutham.

Goutham: Thank you Mrs. Goutham, it is just beginning for you to learn business. 

Flashback ends.

Mithra Mv: Now I know why you wanted me to do it that day and I m happy I followed your guidelines. 

Tara completed her presentation was done and MC called for MiGo to give their presentation. Mithra took a deep breathe and Goutham squeezed her hand with a smile.

Goutham: I have no doubt that you will rock this. We will party tonight.

He winked at her and Mithra reached the podium with Rehman carrying her laptop and connected it to the projector. Mithra looked at Goutham first and then flashed a smile to the others present in the hall before she started her presentation.

Mithra held her head high, a gentle smile on her lips and she moved gracefully with confidence and she had an powerful aura of an qualified leader with her every move. Pranav was pissed when he saw the presentation and everyone in the hall had their jaws dropped looking at her work and her professionalism. Pranav cursed Raghini in his mind and balled his fist ready to slam anyone at the moment.

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