Chapter - 66

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Recap: Vinay takes Kavitha to meet Mithra and later Shylaja reveals about Goutham's marriage to Raghini.


Nithya arrived at the cafe on her way to home and ordered for a coffee for her. A few minutes later Pranav reached the cafe and sat opposite to her with a smile.

Pranav: Am I late Nithya ?

Nithya: Nope, I just arrived and ordered a coffee for me. How was your therapy last week ?

Pranav: Not so good nor there is any improvement. I feel like giving upon it.

Nithya: Ohh mister, why do you give up so easily ? Hardly you give an hour for the session and I don't think you will lose millions in that one hour so why do you want to give up. Keep trying and sure you will be back on to yourself one day.

Pranav: I feel like I m alive when I am with you and wish we could meet often but my work doesn't let me go.

Nithya: By the way where do you work and are you paid good else I will recommend in my office. 

Pranava smiled at her and leaned back in his chair placing the crutch by his side.

Pranav: Try to guess on what sort of job I may be in.

Nithya: may be some project manager because your attitude and communication skills are damn good but from the way you think so low of yourself and being scared to defend yourself then I m not sure if you are in that too.

Pranav: My bad I made such an impression. Actually it was a bad day when we met for the first time. I did something that my father didn't want me to do. I arrived at the beach to relax my mind and that day turned out to be the best day, I got to meet you.

Nithya: hmmm, by the way how did you get hurt ? 

Pranav looked away to the question and gritted his teeth.

Nithya: If you are not comfortable then I won't force you so let it go and tell me about your work but before that what do you want to have ?

He called the waiter and placed an order for coffee for him.

Pranav: I m a businessman Nithya but I really don't want to talk about business. You are the first person who has made me friend even before knowing about me so I want this continue but still if you want to know then I will tell you.

Nithya: No, don't mind it.

Pranav: But I will take you to my office one day and introduce to everyone especially my father. He will be very happy to meet you. By the way do you any plans for weekend ?

Nithya: Yes, saturday I m meeting my best friend. She has something important to discuss with me so I m not free and sunday is family day. My mother will kick me if I don't stay at home.Why do you ask ?

Pranav: I thought of taking you to lunch date. I have never been out with friends for lunch in the last 4 years so I thought we could go.

Nithya: Ohh don't worry and how about we go next week. I will mark my date free.

Pranav: So madam, I get your appointment next saturday ? 

Nithya: Ofcourse, you need get Nithya's appointment to meet her.

He laughed at her words and soon their coffee was served and Nithya left there, Pranav returned home and was smiling at himself looking at the  mirror. Hearing the sound of foot steps he saw Vasudevan entering his room.

Pranav: Dad, you here ?

Vasudevan: hmm, my son is happy recently and I could see him smile which is very rare to happen so tell me who is the girl ?

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