Chapter - 21

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Recap: Rehman and Goutham plan to keep Mithra safe from Pranav.


Day before get together:

Goutham was in his penthouse preparing toast. He poured a glass of juice and sat on the stool by the kitchen island sipping it slowly. He was thinking deeply about the get together which would change his life for sure. He only prayed to be a positive one. Though they have confessed indirectly and behaved like a couple he was scared deep down on the probability of her rejecting him. He dumped the toast in the trash can losing the appetite and picked the blazer to leave for office.

He put on a facade and reached office, his eyes searched for her and saw her cabin empty. He stood by the glass wall of his huge room watching the road down, waiting to see Mithra. He checked for any messages from her but there was none. He sighed and moved back to his seat to continue his work to calm his mind. 

He badly wanted to see her as he was feeling down and scared. She was the light in his dark world, the warmth in his blood, beat of his heart. He could achieve anything with her by his side. He leaned back in the seat cand closed his eyes just reminiscing their moments. A knock on the door broke his trance and he called the person in knowing who it was.

Mithra entered inside and looking at her he got up from his seat with a smile and stood before her. Mithra had a blank expression and gave a little smile. Goutham entwined their fingers and pecked her cheeks.

Goutham: You are late and I have been waiting to have a glimpse of this goddess to have a better day.

Mithra: Cheesy....

Goutham: I m stating the fact Mithra...I felt so down and now that I saw you I feel so energetic. You are my energy shot.

Mithra: Tomorrow I will not be in office. Remember the get together ? its tomorrow.

Goutham: I remember..Go and enjoy the day with your friends.

Mithra hummed and left his room leaving him puzzled on her actions. He didn't fail to notice the worry on her face and badly wanted to pull her back and hold her in his embrace but he let her go to give her the space for her to comeback herself to him and open whatever thing that was worrying her.

Through out the day Mithra was in her cabin trying to lose herself in work to avoid the omnious feel in her heart. She had an unknown fear of losing something precious which scared her. All she wanted to do was push away everything and run into Goutham's arms and hide in his warmth forever but she didn't want to worry him with whatever unknown fears of her.

Before lunch she entered the room and saw Goutham on call with some of his employees from London office. He saw her placing some files before him. She was about leave but Goutham stopped her muting his call.

Goutham: Mithra, are you alright ? 

Mithra: Yeah...I m leaving for lunch, have yours too.

Goutham: You don't seem to be good. Is there anything bothering you ? 

Mithra: you are holding up the call Goutham, go ahead and continue it. I m good just a little headache and will be fine in sometime.

She gave a gentle smile and left his room leaving him even more worried on her actions. His already messed up mind about the get together and revealing about his age factor to her was now a complete wreck. He put everything aside and continued the call to focus on business and talk to Mithra when she is back after lunch.

Mithra and Nithya were in the cafeteria and she was playing with the food from her lunch box. Nithya closed both their boxes and held Mithra's chin to look at her.

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