Chapter - 110

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Recap: Pranav is given a shot and gets admitted in hospital to avoid being arrested by the police. Goutham inform Rehman to bring whole family to meet Mithra.


Kavitha couldn't stop herself from kissing Mithra's cheek and palms every now and then. Vinay hugged Goutham and took his wobbling lips between his teeth to avoid any noise from his crying reaching Mithra's ears. Raghuvaran caressed Mithra's hairs and thanked all the deities he knew for saving Mithra. Nithya was next to Mithra hugging her and Chandru patted her head to console her.

Goutham: Lets go to the living and the nurse will do her duty to check on Mithra's vitals.

Kavitha: I will be here with Mithra.

Goutham: You can come back after a little while maa. Come with us please.

None of them was ready to leave Mithra but hearing Goutham's words they knew he wanted to speak let alone they themselves had a lot of questions so they followed him out of the room.They were all seated in the living and waited for Goutham to start and he did after clearing his throat.

Goutham: Raghini tried to kill Mithra but Rehman saved her and with the help of one of the man who worked in the quarry he got her to a doctor who ran a clinic. Rehman got shot by Raghini before she was dead and he was unconscious to call any of us immediately. Later that night the man who helped them called me with the card Rehman had given him before he got unconscious and informed me about Mithra and Rehman. 

I didn't want to risk her life so I went there alone and saw both of them. Rehman got better but Mithra was not. So I took her here without anyone knowing about her until she recovers.

Ravi: Why did you not inform us atleast ?

Goutham: Her life will be on threat if people knew she is alive. I need to make sure of her safety before informing about her.

Chandru: Whose body did you cremate then ?

Goutham: He was a personal bodyguard I appointed to keep her safe. He gave his life in saving Mithra that day. Mithra doesn't know about him but he considered Mithra as his sister and gave his life for her. So I did what he deserved and gave a final good bye with all respect. He had no one other than me and Rehman.

Vinay: I m sorry mama, it all happened because of me. I m so sorry.

Shylaja: Why is she unconscious ?

Goutham: Doctor said that she is in depression on too much emotions clouded in her brain that shut her. She is not in COMA and can hear us and I m trying my best to keep her in positive environment and remind her all our happy moments. She is recovering and very soon she will wake up.

Chandru: How is the baby ?

Goutham: Absolutely good. Next week doctor will be here to check on the baby as a routine monthly check up. I have informed Rehman to get a ultra sound scanner so that we need not take her out from here. She is doing good and you all can be relaxed but this information will not leave this home. The only reason I let you all to know about Mithra is all your love for her and I couldn't see you all crying for her when she is alive and good.

Ravi: Fool, did you think we would risk her life ?

Goutham: I didn't mean that appa. There are people following everyone of us to find details about me and they might know about Mithra so I want you all to put the act until I decide to let everyone know about Mithra.

Rehman: Dinner is ready, you all haven't eaten properly for days so please have your food and Mithra will be happy to hear that it was family dinner at her favourite place.

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