Chapter - 28

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Recap: Mithra confess her feelings to Goutham 


After dropping Mithra at office as she had her scooty Goutham returned to his penthouse and messaged her to arrive at office as usual the next day and he would take her on a lunch date so that she may return home in the usual time. Mithra replied with a ok and started to search her wardrobe for a best outfit for the date.

She literally cursed for having born in a conservative family as all her dress were simple and nothing were attractive to her eyes. She heard a knock on the door and saw Vinay standing with a smile. He pushed her aside and entered the room and gasped in shock looking at the mess she had done.

Vinay: Nee romba olungu nu amma solranga inga paru enna panni vechurukke idhula enna vera potu kudukradhu. ( Mom used to say you are so perfect but see what have you done and upon that you will blame me to her )

Mithu: Shut up, I m rearranging my clothes and whats the fault in it ? Tell me why are you here ?

Vinay: Yeah I believed and even I saw Dhoni in our street when I was on way to home.

He dumped a gift box in her hand and Mithra found a watch in it.

Vinay: My gift for your new start in your career. I know your passion in this work. All the best and make us proud of you. 

Mithu: Woww..Thank  you so much my little brother. Sure I will try my best to prove myself.

She ruffled his hair and he left her room warning her to clear the mess. Mithra felt so happy to receive the gift from his brother and started arranging her clothes back in the wardrobe chosing a cotton salwar to wear the next morning.

Next day Goutham reached his office and ordered a huge bouquet to be delivered to his office before Mithra's arrival. He removed his blazer and started to finish his works before going on the date. Rehman entered his room carrying a huge bouquet in his hand which was actually hiding his face too.

As soon as Goutham received the flowers from him he saw Rehman wearing a helmet. Goutham smirked and in a second he tackled Rehman and locked him holding his hand to his back and his head along with helmet pressed on the table. Goutham twisted his hand and Rehman gasped a little pleading him to let go him.

Rehman: Boss, violence is dangerous to everyone. Please let me go. I am so sorry for going against your words.

Goutham: I agree that you did good but did you see Mithra's face. She was a crying mess and I told you to never even think of bringing tears in her eyes.

Rehman Mv: Use his weak point and escape from here.

Rehman: Hi Mithra..

Goutham turned to the door and his hold on Rehman loosened. Taking this chance Rehman stormed out of the room and bumped on Mithra who was about to enter her cabin.

Mithu: why are you wearing helmet inside office Rehman ?

Rehman: Ohh to save myself from boss. He will never let me go of easily for making you cry yesterday though I did for some good reason. Please save me Mithra.

Mithra: Don't worry he won't do anything now remove the helmet.

Rehman sighed in relief and removed the helmet but immediately Mithra gave a strong knock on his head. Rehman screamed in pain and both heard a laughter from behind. Goutham stood with his hand in his pocket, laughing at Rehman.

Goutham: Serves you good right ? Better save yourself and stay away from me or I will kick your ass until you couldn't sit on your own.

Rehman: Still you both couldn't deny that I did good to you both.

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