Chapter - 32

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Recap: Goutham gift a car to Mithra later Shylaja arrive at Goutham's office.


Goutham was shocked and surprised to see his mother in his office. Though his mind was screaming a thousand commands to be alert he smiled at her and gave a gentle hug. He pulled her to the couch and they sat next to each other. Goutham called Rehman informing him to serve coffee to both of them.

Goutham: so, what is that brought my mother to my office though I am not complaining ?

Shylaja: I missed my son and it seems like he doesn't have any idea of visiting me so I made my presence to check how you are doing.

Goutham: Now that I saw you, my day will be better without doubts. How is dad ?

Shylaja: We are good Goutham. Actually I m here to say that you need not stay alone at your penthouse anymore.

Goutham looked puzzled at her and before Shylaja could speak Rehman entered with coffee and served to both of them.

Shylaja: You look better than the last time I saw you Rehman. I should meet your family some day. Oh I have a better reason to meet your family.

Rehman: I m sorry madam, I don't have a family. I am an orphan.

Shylaja: So sad, don't worry we are your family. If Goutham doesn't pay you enough or take care of you, give me call. I can pay you enough though you don't work for me.

Rehman: Boss, pays me more than enough madam. 

Goutham cleared his throat getting Rehman's attention and signalled him to leave the room. Rehman nodded his head and left the room. Goutham sipped the coffee and turned to his mother.

Goutham: So what is the reason you are here mom ?

Shylaja: Ohh, I m here to tell you that you can shift back to our home. Your problem is solved forever.

Goutham: Don't beat around the bush.

Shylaja: Fine, Raghini is getting married next week and she will not be a problem to you anymore so get back to our home now.

Goutham looked at his mother for a moment to see for any kind of expression that she was joking but she was determined in what she said and sipped the coffee.

Goutham: Good, I will get shifted back after her marriage in that case.

Shylaja: No problem just matter of a week so I will wait and you will stay with me forever. By the way won't you ask me about the groom and the arrangements of the wedding ?

Goutham: Do you think I care about what happens in her life ?

Shylaja: even if you hate her don't forget that she is your cousin and you have the responsibility at her wedding. Your uncle and aunt will be here in two days and I have promised them that I will take care of the complete arrangements. The least I could do for them since you rejected marrying their only daughter. And about the arrangements I have a booked a resort and invited few of our relatives and most of our friends. After the wedding a grand reception will be held inviting every elites in our city.

Goutham: Do whatever you want mom.

Shylaja: Sure I will do that afterall she is my favourite girl. Make sure you clear your dates a day before the wedding. I want you to be present there.

Goutham: I can spare 2 hours of my appointment just to attend the wedding and that is only for the sake of uncle and aunt.

Shylaja: So bad Goutham, won't you be there for your friend's big day to support him. Poor Chandru, I thought you are his best friend and will be with him throughout the wedding.

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