Chapter - 96

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Recap: Raghini make a deal with Pranav to stop the marriage of Nithya and Chandru and in exchange she wanted to work in his office. 


A week had passed and Chandru took Nithya to meet his mother and they were happy with all the wedding preparations. Invitations were printed and their costumes were finalised. Shylaja gave all her time to take care of the arrangements and in between she made sure to either meet or call Mithra to check on her. She and Kavitha sent food to Mithra on alternate days. Chandru took over his job as COO and started working taking care of the business in Goutham's absence.

Mithra got her morning sickness and Goutham was worried to see her getting tired after every time she puke. She couldn't eat any of the dishes and he somehow found her cravings and started cooking himself. Kavitha made her tamarind pickle which Mithra started eating with all the dishes. 

Goutham entered his room and saw Mithra returning from the washroom wiping her face with a towel. She looked extremely tired and leaned on the wall. Goutham ambled towards her and carried her to the bed and poured a glass of juice for her. Mithra leaned on his shoulder and started sipping the juice from his hand.

Goutham: I spoke to doctor and she has prescribed medicine for morning sickness. Rehman will get it and you need to take a tablet on your empty stomach in the morning it will reduce vomiting sensation and you will be able to eat then.

Mithra: I don't need any food just let me sleep so that I could stop rushing to the washroom to puke.

Goutham: Twinkle, you can't do that. You need to eat more than usual for you and our baby. Avoiding eating will only weaken you and baby will be affected. 

Mithra: I really want to eat but I can't Goutham.

Goutham: I can understand darling just few months and your sickness will be over and I will get you everything you wanted to eat then. Promise I won't deny any food you ask for. Infact I will skip my diet and we will eat together and have fun.

Mithra: You are so sweet Goutham but I m only being a trouble to you. Because of me you couldn't go to office, you have to skip your gym routine, now you are ready to give up your diet too. I m so sorry for being a burden to you.

Goutham Mv: Ok today's quota has started...Whatever I say will backfire for sure. Best of luck Goutham.

Goutham: Its ok darling anything for you.

Mithra: You idiot, so I m a burden to you is it ? You can't even deny my words. Go away I can take care of myself. Poor Mithra what will happen to her for the rest of the pregnancy period ?

Goutham Mv: Your turn now Goutham...come on start.

Goutham: Hey pondati (wifey), I m so sorry. I was upset that you didn't give me my morning kissy this morning. You know I love your kisses, your cuddles so much.

Goutham turned her to face him and cupper her face in his palm. Mithra pouted with moist eyes and Goutham pecked her cheeks.

Mithra: I m so sorry mama, I will never forget our morning kisses. 

Goutham smiled and they shared their first kiss of the day and Goutham patted his shoulder in mind for handling her mood swings. Later he carried her to the kitchen and cooked to her likings and fed her with his hand.


At Pranav's office Raghini opened the door to her cabin but stopped when she saw Tara speaking in hush voice to someone in her mobile. Raghini backed off and listened to her conversations.

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