Chapter - 116

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Recap: Goutham and Mithra celebrate their first wedding anniversary. Tara leaves PV groups on being exposed of her hands in working with Star Decors.


A month passed and Mithra was walking in the garden looking at the rose plants and Goutham was walking close behind her. She was stopping now and then holding her back and leaned on Goutham.

Goutham: Nee romba tired ah irukka innaikku. doctor vara sollava Mithra ? ( You look very tired today. Shall I call the doctor Mithra ?)

Mithra: I want to see amma. Will you call both of them ? They will know if this is braxton hicks.

Goutham: what do you mean by that ? Are you feeling pain Mithra ? Why have you not told me already ?

Mithra: Its doesn't hurt that much Goutham just I m feeling uncomfortable. We have 4 week more for welcoming our baby so I don't want to keep you on the edge every time I feel pain.

Goutham: You are unbelievable. How could you decide everything on your own. You are businesswoman not a doctor. 

He carried her to their room to rest and immediately informed Rehman to bring Kavitha and Shylaja and then he called the doctor to arrive to check Mithra on safer side. He sat on the foot of the bed and massaged her feet but Mithra stopped him and entered the washroom to ease her urgency from the bladder. 

She returned to the room and started the exercise video doctor has sent to Goutham which they have been doing it regularly. 

Goutham: You are already in pain Mithra so we will skip today. Relax for sometime.

Mithra did not listen and started doing it slowly with Goutham helping her. She again felt the need to use the washroom and for the next one hour it continued. Kavitha and Shylaja entered the room and saw Mithra looking exhausted.

Kavitha: Eppo la irundhu pain irukku Mithra ? ( From when you are feeling the pain Mithra ?)

Mithra: from afternoon ma but not severe. Its bearable only.

Shylaja: You should have called us immediately then. Kavitha, may be we will take her to the hospital what if this labor pain ?

Goutham: but there is 4 more weeks for the date.

Kavitha: not all times the baby is born at the exact date. Sometimes it happens early.

Goutham: ohhh, no problem I have already called the doctor and she will be here any time.

30 minutes later Rehman arrived with doctor and everyone left the room for her to check Mithra. within 2 minutes doctor called everyone and Goutham as always rushed first.

Doctor: Goutham, its labor pain. We need to take her to the hospital. Her amniotic sac has started leaking and will rupture anytime. Hurry up.

Rehman informed Goutham to carry Mithra and he rushed out to get the cab which he had kept ready at the beach house in case of emergency to take Mithra to the hospital. Shylaja and Kavitha quickly grabbed some clothes and few baby clothes and packed a bag.

Goutham pecked Mithra's forehead and carried her out with their mother following. As soon he got in the car Rehman started driving and Goutham informed Ravi to inform their family doctor to clear way for them enter the hospital without anyone noticing.

As they arrived at the hospital Goutham and Rehman wore a mask and Goutham made Mithra wear a burqa. He instructed Kavitha and Shylaja to wear burqa as well and arrive later to avoid being caught in public.

They reached the back entrance and the guards who had arrived already escorted them through the elevator used by  doctors. Mithra was taken straight to a private floor where VIPs were treated. The nurse who had taken care of Mithra at beach house was called to aid this time too. She got Mithra changed into hospital gown and injections were given to induce the labor further. 

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