Chapter - 72

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Recap: Pranav feels raged when he finally gets to meet Mithra.


Pranav froze when he heard the name Nithya as Chandru moaned her name. He badly wanted to leave that place with the thought that it must be some other Nithya but his current mind which was completely over the rage and revenge for Mithra and Goutham clouded any good thoughts and he fished out his mobile from his pocket and dialed Nithya's number.

Chandru and Nithya got startled and broke the kiss when her mobile started ringing from her sling bag. She shoved Chandru and emerged from the corner and her hand ruffling to get the mobile out in a hurry and bumped on to the person.

Nithya: Sorry... I was in hur...

Her words halted when she saw it was Pranav and at the same Chandru too stood next to her.

Nithya: Pranav, what are you doing here ? You said you had to attend some important wedding function.

Pranav couldn't speak a word since all his attention was on the smudged lipstick and swollen lips of hers. Chandru noticed what Pranav was looking at and quickly grabbed Nithya's hand turning her to him.

Nithya : What are you doing Chandru ?

Chandru: shhhhh, quite..

He wiped her lips with his handkey and she understood everything. From the corner of her eyes she saw Pranav already leaving.

Chandru: Who is he ? But the name sounds familiar to me.

Nithya: He is my friend, let me check on him.

Chandru hummed and pressed a kiss on her cheeks before he let go of her hand. Nithya went in search of Pranav and saw him getting in his car but she stopped him before he could close the door.

Nithya: Pranav, what are you doing here ?

Pranav: Goutham and Mithra's reception party was the one I had to attend. I have met them already and time to leave now.

Nithya: Wow, I invited you for this party only. Mithra is my best friend I talked to you about. Come let me introduce you to her.

Pranav: Not today but sure we will meet your friend sometime later but I m sorry for disturbing your time. Is he the one you said and are you both back again ?

Nithya: He is Chandru, my boss Goutham's best friend and brother. About getting back again its really complicated so I will tell you sometime later. Did you have dinner ?

Pranav: Nope, got something urgent to look after so need to leave now. Call me when you are free after all your its friend's party.

Nithya: sure, take care and you look handsome Mr. business man.

Pranav: Do you want to know me ....the real me ?

Nithya shrugged and Pranav chuckled at her.

Pranav: Even if I don't tell you, you will get it to know after this night so its better I tell you. so Ms. Nithya I m Pranav Vasudevan, the only son of Vasudevan and heir of PV groups. I hope nothing change between us after knowing my identity and if it doesn't change call me. I will hopefully be expecting your call.

Nithya gave a gentle nod and moved back letting him to close the door and saw the BMW exiting the building. 

She returned to meet Mithra not noticing another pair of eyes which were watching them enviously. Raghini came out of the place she was hiding and cursed Nithya. Earlier she got to know that Nithya, the same girl who insulted her at the beach was none other than Mithra's best friend. She had already lost Goutham and now when she wanted to get Pranav and she couldn't digest the fact Nithya getting along with Pranav.

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