Chapter - 121

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Story suggestion: Hello, Hi everyone please give your support to the stories with your votes and comments. Encourage every budding writers and help them with their dreams.

1. Blood Tears and Broken Vows by SorayaNoorulMeraj300    

2. Love of Life by Merinlincia   


Recap: Pranav gets arrested after Tara files a complaint against him for attempt to rape. Later Mithra and Goutham meet Pranav at the police station.


Morning Pranav woke up and sat leaning on the wall. He remembered the night that once Goutham and Mithra left the constables treated his wounds and gave him tablets to make him feel better in the morning. He touched his face and felt there were no external injuries. Goutham made sure there were no external ones but he made it worse giving lot of punches to which Pranav felt that his internal organs would have broken if he had not stopped.

Pranav: Where did this Karan go ? How long will he take to bail me out from this hell ? 

He waited for few hours and finally Karan entered the police station in the same dress he was seen the previous day and with permission from the SI he ambled towards Pranav's cell.

Pranav: How long will you take Karan ? That mother fucker almost killed me last night. Once I m out of this then I will kill both of them with my own hands. 

Karan: sir, things are not as easy as you think. You are really doomed like the inspector said.

Pranav: Have you got bail orders for me or not ?

Karan: No Lawyer is ready to take your case. I haven't ate or slept and was running to every damn lawyers office but everyone denied.

Pranav: So now I have to rot in this place is it ? Why didn't you pay some huge amount to take my case ?

Karan: I did....I did sir... one of the lawyer asked for 50 crores to bail you

Pranav: Pay him that that amount damn it. Just get me out of here. 

Karan: I agreed but there is no money in your account nor there is any property or share in your name. It took me another 3 hours to find what had happened. There is nothing left in your name and everything has been taken back by your father leaving you empty handed and gave it to someone else. I m yet to find whom he gave everything. I knocked the doors of your business partners, share holders for help but everyone refused to help. The board of directors had met after your arrest yesterday at some private place and removed you from the company. You are no more part of PV groups.

Pranav: W....Wh..Whattttt? What the fuck ? How did this happen ? I mean dad ? He took away everything from me ? But wasn't he unconscious ? How did he do that ?

Karan: No idea sir, I saw him in his bed yesterday morning before we left for the tender announcement. There was no single movement from him. Whatever I said is true. Most important thing is your father has called for a press meet today at 12.

Pranav: I need to be out of this place Karan. Do something and get me from here. You are all I trust after so much happened since yesterday. Try to find that bitch and let her confess that I m innocent and she was forced to do by Goutham. I need to be out of this place at least to kill him and later I will happily get arrested to be in prison for the rest of my life but I need to kill both of them ...with my hands... GET ME OUT OF HERE.

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