Chapter - 102

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Recap: Mithra is kidnapped and later Pranav reveal to her that he raped her.


Pranav laughed like a maniac and saw Mithra still closing her eyes and from the way she was breathing he knew she was seething in anger.

Pranav: But you know that bastard arrived at the wrong time during our first time and stopped me before I shot my semen in you or who knows you would had my child already instead of his.

Mithra opened her blood shot eyes and her tears were hot in anger and disgust for him. She looked at the man and Raghini next to her watching everything.

Mithra: Tell your man or this bitch to kill me this instant or if I escape alive from here by even by 1 % chance then I swear on my love it won't be my Goutham but it will be me who will write your death sentence. I will show you hell every second of your life.

Pranav: See this is why he is crazy for you. Such a sassy mouth you have. I would love to see you squirming under me unlike being unconscious you were during our first time but right now I want to see your love .. your Goutham crying and rotting in hell after seeing you dead so I made a plan now.

Raghini: Pranav, stop with your fucking plans already. Rehman might reach here by any means and I can't let her go easily after so much of work I did to kill her. You wanted a few minutes and I gave you so now fuck off and I will take over now.

Pranav: Always in a hurry you are Raghini. Fine if you want to finish of this soon then whom am I do to stop it. Give the mobile to my man behind you.

Raghini passed the mobile and the man nodded his head looking at Pranav.

Pranav: Kill Raghini and not even her ashes should remain. Bring Mithra to my resort. I will pay you 2 crore. No one should be aware that Mithra is alive and everyone should believe that it was not Raghini but Mithra was killed. Frame everything perfectly and bring her to me.

Raghini: You bastard, I did so much for you and now you wanted to kill me. How dare you ? I killed Chandru's mother only because you wanted to cancel Nithya and Chandru's marriage. I kidnapped this bitch because atleast after killing her I could live in peace but you wanted me dead. You wanted her alive ? No way I will let her live.

Pranav: Try anything and you will not leave that place alive Raghini.

Raghini: Bloody bastard, I should have killed your first but I did a huge mistake by assuming you will marry me. Good that I lost the baby a month ago or how pathetic it would have been my life to have child from a man like you. Fuck off mother fucker.

She threw the mobile and pushed the man and saw Mithra running away to save her life. Raghini and the man followed her and Mithra picked a few stones and threw on them to stop. Raghini stopped suddenly and lifted her gown and removed the synthetic bump that was fixed on her abdomen and threw away and ran to catch Mithra.

The man saw Raghini running very fast and caught her hair to kill her first and to later handle Mithra. He pushed Raghini and slapped her face. She again pushed him and started running but he shot her leg. Raghini fell down screaming in pain.

Raghini: Hey don't trust Pranav. He will never keep his words. He promised me to marry me and give money if I kill her but now he wanted me to be killed and save her. You heard him talking to her right ? He is worse than an animal and to clear the evidence of keeping her alive he will kill you after you give her to him. Listen to me and kill her and let me go. I will give money this instance.

The other man who drove the car stepped infront of Raghini and slapped her.

Man: Shut up and don't dare to open your mouth.

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