Chapter -112

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Note: Long Chapter Ahead...

Recap: Mithra wakes up and request Goutham about her past.


Mithra leaned on Goutham's chest and closed her eyes, entwined her fingers with his preparing herself to hear the worst of her life.

Goutham: It was the last day of college after you exams were over. 

Goutham sighed and closed his eyes struggling to speak.

Goutham: I can't Mithra, please lets not talk about this.

Mithra: But he spoke to me Goutham.

Goutham froze in shock and raised her head from his chest and saw her broken soul that crushed his heart.

Mithra: Before Rehman and the other man came there to save me he spoke to me. Raghini called him and he said what he did to me Goutham.

She broke down completely and Goutham engulfed in a tight hug. He couldn't imagine the pain she must have felt when she came face to face with that fuckard hearing from him.

Goutham: I will kill that bastard. Please stop crying. Nothing happened to you.

Mithra shook her head and pulled back from the hug and saw tears from his eyes.

Mithra: How long will you suffer alone Goutham ? You promised no secrets between us. If we share the happiness together then we will also share the pain together. I don't want you to be the only one to go through the pain. Please tell me.. Let out everything from your heart. I want to know what happened to me. Please.

Goutham: The management allowed you final year students to have a get together when the student's chairman confirmed that it will be a formal party with a businessman as chief guest to motivate the students. You were all allowed to bring your family or friends to the get together and you all chose to bring friends as it would be a great opportunity to meet a businessman and get his ideas for the career.

I thought Nithya would be with you as usual and even I was prepared to be at the party with a fake id card as a final year student like I did every time to be around you. When I left from my apartment to see you at your home and follow you to the college I got a call from the lawyer to discuss and sign papers for MiGo so I had to go because I didn't want to delay anything that might let you join some other company. So arrived late to the party but before that...


Mithra and Nithya were sitting under a tree waiting for the announcement of the arrival of the chief guest but Nithya received a call from her mother that her grandfather had been admitted in hospital in a serious condition.

Nithya: Mithra, I need to go.

Mithra: I will come too. Lets leave 

Nithya: No, you attend the party and listen to the advice of the chief guest. We need to plan for our career and what if you are lucky to get placement in his company ? So stay back and I will call you tomorrow to know about the details. 

Mithra: you are right. Ok, I will stay then. Take care and message about grandpa's health.

Nithya: Stop worrying about me and promise me you will be careful without me around you. Stick close with students and don't leave anywhere alone.

Once Nithya left Mithra was with some of her classmates and they were having casual conversation when they heard the announcement to assemble at the college ground where a stage was set for the chief guest. Mithra was about to join her classmates but her mobile blared with call from her mother and she excused and walked away to attend the call.

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