Chapter - 125

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Recap: Before Pranav got killed he gets to know that everyone around him was Goutham's person.


Everyone arrived at the beach home and retired to the rooms. Mithra and Goutham stood under the shower washing each other in silence. Once they were they got dressed up and laid on the bed cuddling while Goutham was raking his finger through Mithra's hair.

Goutham: Good night baby...

Mithra:  Good night mama...

They slept peacefully after a few months for Mithra and few years for Goutham carrying the burden of pain and revenge. 

Morning Goutham woke to the ringing of his mobile and saw it was a call from the inspector. After speaking to him he switched on the TV to a news channel and shook Mithra gently to wake her up. They sat and watched the news 

" Early morning today police had received call from public about a fire break out in an abandoned building neary by OMR. Police had arrived at the spot and found traces of someone being mercilessly slaughtered and burnt completely. With the evidences police has found the victim is seemed to Mr. Pravan Vasudevan. We have received a clip of people chasing and throwing stones at him last evening. This incident is suspected to be an aggravated assault by public after he was accused of attempt to rape and murder of his girl friend Raghini and many more girls.

Goutham switched off the TV without watching further and hugged Mithra to his chest.

Goutham: Today is a new beginning Mithra. We have few responsibilities to be done and there are people who need us.

Mithra: You are right. We will do everything and take care of them.

A week later:

Goutham was in the living dressed in a silk shirt and dhoti matching with Krish. They were waiting for Mithra as they had planned to visit the penthouse. Their parents had already left to the penthouse to welcome Mithra and Goutham as they enter with Krish. Hearing the sound of the anklets Goutham raised his head and yet again he fell in love with the woman who never failed to skip the beat of his heart every time he looked at her.

Mithra descended the stairs adjusting the flowers on her bun and she was dressed in a light turquoise blue silk saree with simple diamond jewelry. Looking at Goutham she smiled and pecked his forehead and took Krish in her hand to leave but stopped as she noticed Goutham was still in trance.

Mithra: What happened ? Why are you looking like that ? Should I change ?

Goutham: No, you look ravishing and if our plan was not visiting our home then I would have made some other plans. Still no problem I will think of executing it on reaching our home. What say ? Do I have your consent ? Promise there won't be a wrinkle on the saree.

Mithra: I know the meaning behind that but still let me consider only if you behave. 

Goutham: Not my fault that I forget everything when my eyes get the sight of you. After birth of Krish you have turned more sexy you know..

Mithra chuckled and hit his chest and they reached the garden and clicked selfie with white rose in the background. They got in the car and Goutham instructed the driver to take them to the penthouse.

Mithra felt nostalgia as she entered the elevator of the building and her eyes were turning moist. Goutham wrapped his hand around her shoulder and as soon as they reached the last floor they saw the door of the penthouse was wide open. There stood their parents together and Kavitha, Shylaja welcomed them with arti.

Raghu: First go visit the temple and take blessings from the god.

Goutham and Mithra reached the garden and saw their Ganesha was adorned with garlands and diyas were lit. They offered their prayer and returned to the living. Everything was the same except for the decorations that were done to welcome the couple.

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