Chapter - 83

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Recap: Pranav gets to know about Goutham and Mithra's new beginning in business. 


Pranav received a call from his father to meet him urgently and along with Karan he reached Vasudevan's mansion. Pranav got the information from the maid that Vasudevan was in the study and entered the room with Karan and saw a pissed off Vasudevan.

Pranav: Dad, what happened ? Why did you call me so urgently ?

Vasudevan: you tell me whats happening Pranav. I thought you got some sense but from what I m hearing it doesn't seem like that. 

Pranav: why do you always talk in riddles ? Just say what do you want to know.

Vasudevan: How did our quote was close to MiGo's and should I even mention about the presentations ? 

Pranav: That was co-incidental dad and the presentation was done by our team. Now will you tell me what go you riled up against me ? 

Vasudevan: Did you forget I m one of the members in the association and things were brought to my notice with evidence after Goutham filed a complaint against us.

Pranav: He filed a complaint in the association ?

Vasudevan : Yes, he did and Goutham didn't want to file with police a case just for my sake. Pranav, I already made it clear that business will be just business and I have spent my sweat and blood to build this empire. If you can't do it like a gentleman then step down. I thought you were changing better. I did notice the way you were reacting at his reception party. Why are you behind him ?

Pranav: He is the one who made my life hell. She is the bitch for whom he almost killed me and I lost 4 years of my life, I lost my best friends and left alone in my life.

Vasudevan: We will file a complaint against him and I will make sure he is put behind the bars for what he did to you. 

Pranav panicked hearing his words and rushed to his father holding his hand in a restless way.

Pranav: No dad, we will not go to police. I want to revenge him in my way. I want him to suffer exactly like he made it for me. Please dad lets not involve police.

Vasudevan: Why shouldn't we go to police ? She loved you, then betrayed you and later she made him hit you lifeless. We will get justice for you Pranav. I will make them go on their knees before you but legally.

Pranav: You don't understand dad please let me handle this. 

Vasudevan: Is there something you are hiding from me Pranav ?

Pranav gritted his teeth and hit his father on his head using his crutch. Vasudevan fell unconscious and Karan rushed next to him holding his bleeding head.

Karan: Boss, we need to take him to the hospital. 

Pranav: Connect me on call with our doctor and take my father to his room.

Karan dialed the doctor's number and Pranav waited until Karan called a servant and along with him they carried Vasudevan to his room. Pranav finished the call with doctor and returned to his father's room.

Pranav: My father fell and got injured on his head. Nothing will go out of this room. Am I clear ?

Karan: Yes boss, everything clear.

Doctor arrived and Pranav gave a nod to carry out the treatment. He treated his wounds and connected Vasudevan on IV. He gave an injection to him for which Pranav paid a huge amount in return.

Pranav: I will call you when I want to get my father back to conscious state until then keep your mouth shut.

Doctor: Ok sir. I will send a nurse to monitor him constantly.

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