Chapter - 84

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Recap: Pranav hit his father and keeps him unconscious under house arrest. Later Goutham get Raghini arrested.


Rehman barged in Goutham's room with his laptop and he was boiling in anger, his eyes were bloodshot. He placed the laptop before Goutham and paced in extreme frustration. Looking at him Goutham got up from his seat and placed his arm on his shoulder.

Goutham: What happened Rehman ?

Rehman: Time for our next move. Play that audio and we should not delay our next target.

Goutham returned to his seat and played the audio which started with Pranav's voice.

Audio clip:

Pranav: Xav, how are you man and where is Dheeraj ?

Xavier: Pranav, good that you are back from coma. Dheeraj is with me and we cannot reveal anything about us now. My father has strictly warned us from being in contact with anyone other than him and Dheeraj's father.

Pranav: What happened that day ? There were 2 other girls right, what happened to them ?

Dheeraj: We did a huge mistake by kidnapping that girl on that day and you shouldn't have touched her. The two other girls were dead that day. All our father except your dad knew what happened that day and to save me and Xav they covered their death as accident to the world. We were able to find the details of only one of the girl. She was Zeenat and after her death her parents too committed suicide. We couldn't find about the other two girls. The man who beat the shit out of us was checking on the unconscious girl and we made our escape at that time.

Xav: We were scared when we saw how brutally that man killed Lavan and Manoj. We thought you were dead too so to save our life we had to escape from there. After we told my dad about that man we tried to find him and the other two girls but we couldn't but we had a fear that he might come for our lives so my dad made arrangements and sent us safe to keep us alive.

Pranav: I found that bitch and the bastard. I spoke to both your father and even Lavan and Manoj's father to join hands in avenging them but they refused me.

Xavier: Pranav better let go of your idea on revenge. Infact we did a help by lying to your father about you. He doesn't know about our dark secrets and our plays with girls unlike our father. He believed when we said him that you fell in love with a girl but she betrayed you and got her new lover to kill you. He even believed when we said Lavan and Manoj were dead trying to save you so move on in your life. Let me tell you Lavan and Manoj's private parts were cut by him and this was 5 five years ago. Now I don't even want to imagine his wrath so its better we stay away from him.

Pranav: I can't Xav, they got married and I was  there at their reception party. They were so in love and I want to see that bond breaking. He killed our friends, put me in coma for her and I will snatch her from him and this time I will destroy her completely. 

Clip ends:

Goutham pushed the things from his desk and rolled his sleeves to his elbow, his chest was heaving in anger, he was raking his fingers through his hair and shut his eyes to control himself but the rage was extreme.

Goutham: That bloody pigs thought they escaped from me ? Let me show them why they were let go of that day. Rehman call Bala and inform him to open the clinic. First target is Xavier so take his father to the clinic.

Rehman now smiled and immediately called Bala and informed their next plan.

Rehman: Done, Xavier's father goes to the park near by his home for morning walk. Bala will take him from there.

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