Chapter - 36

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Recap: Mithra arrive at Goutham's penthouse to spend the day together.


A slow and romantic music played in the background and Mithra was trying to pull out the ingredients from the cabinets to prepare lunch while Goutham leaned on the refrigerator and watched her. She had tied her hair in a high bun and was biting her lips trying to locate the ingredients as it was her first time in the kitchen. She pouted and folded her arms turning to him.

Mithra: Could you show some mercy and help me with things so that I could finish cooking ?

Goutham smiled and started showing the things that were stocked in every cabinet. Finally he leaned on the island and looked at her.

Goutham: Now you can either continue with same arrangements or change according to your wish.

Mithra: As of now let it be but once I move in permanently we will think of it.

She started cutting the vegetables and Goutham caged her between his arms, his front grazing her back. Mithra bit back the smile and continued as if she was not affected when he blew air on her nape. He could see her ears turning red and smirked knowing her actions. He snaked his hand around her waist and placed his chin on her shoulder.

Mithra: Even an expert in cooking would find difficult to cook with someone clinging like this.

Goutham: Is it ? I don't think so. How about you hug me and I will try cooking and we can experiment this ?

Mithra turned around in his embrace and pecked his lip and when he tried to kiss her she moved her face to the side making him groan.

Mithra: Be a good boy and go back to the living. Let me finish cooking and this is the first time I m cooking for you so let me not spoil it.

Goutham: First thing don't call me a boy may be handsome, darling, baby even daddy would do and secondly I won't disturb you but I will sit and watch you.

Mithra: Daddy ? Ewww, get lost with your kinky thoughts.

Goutham pinched her cheeks and they started cooking together in between feeding veggies and nuts to each other. Finally once the cooking was done they together placed the dishes on the table and settled down. Mithra served the vegetable briyani, baby corn golden fry and gestured him to eat but Goutham shook his head.

Mithra fed him with with her hand and Goutham fed her in return. He moaned to the taste of the food and kissed her knuckles.

Goutham: I m so lucky to have a chef as my wife. Haven't ate such a tasty food in long time.

Mithra shook her head to his exaggeration and finally served the moong dhal gheer in a bowl. Goutham closed his eyes relishing the taste of it and pulled Mithra suddenly and pecked her lips.

Goutham: This is just divine Mithra. You won't believe me but I promise that I m having such a delightful home food after years infact I don't remember having one.

Mithra: Your mom won't cook for you ?

Goutham: No, we have a chef who cooks for everyone and when I stayed alone I prefered cooking myself which is mostly some quick ones to just satisfy my hunger.

Mithra placed her palm on his cheek and he kissed her palm.

Mithra: How about I pack lunch for you daily ?

Goutham: Will you ? Seriously ?

Mithra: For whom will I cook if not for you ? If I am the only person to taste your cooking then you will be the only person other than my parents and my brother to taste my cooking. Ohh I forgot to tell you about my brother Vinay.

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