Chapter - 64

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Recap: Goutham and Mithra return to penthouse and Ravi warn Shylaja about creating trouble in Goutham and Mithra's life.


Mithra got ready in a full length green skirt and white top and matched it with a pearl set. Her hair was braided in french style and rested on her left front. Goutham watched her without averting his eyes as she ascended the stairs and she blushed at the intense look from him. He was dressed in a white shirt and black pant, his hair was gelled back and he stood with a hand in his pocket. 

Once she stood before him he wrapped a hand and with a gentle pull their bodies collided with each other.

Goutham: Have you used the lipstick we got from Paris ?

Mithra hummed and the next moment his lips was on hers sucking the oxygen away from her. He pulled back only when she hit him on his shoulder. A few seconds after catching her breathe she stared at him and Goutham smiled kissing her cheeks.

Mithra: What was that for ?

Goutham: One, I still can't believe that you will be staying in our home forever and second is that I couldn't resist myself from kissing you when you walked down the stairs. You look so enticing.

Mithra pinched him hard on his cheeks and he rubbed the spot pouting at her.

Mithra: Now do you believe that we will live together in our home. By the way why did you ask about lipstick ?

Goutham: Ohh that, its transfer proof.. I mean kiss proof. It won't smudge when I kiss you. We will buy only kiss proof lipsticks for you.

Mithra: You are such a pervert but don't you forget Mr. husband I m waiting for your answers.

Goutham: Ofcourse I m ready. We will talk over dinner.

Mithra: Tell me will it be ok if we go out on dinner ?What if someone see us ?

Goutham: We have crossed those stage. You need not be scared of it anymore. Still I have booked a private dine for us for privacy.

They walked out with his hand resting on her lower back and once they reached his car he opened the door of her to get seated before he got in the driver seat. The ride was intense with them stealing glances and every now and then he was caressing her thigh or kissing her knuckles. Once they arrived the hotel they were escorted through the back exit to reach the private dine he had reserved for them. The compact room was filled with flowers and a table in the middle with candles. Goutham pulled the chair for her and then sat opposite to her.

The waiter served them welcome drink and returned to get their main course.

Mithra: So, how come I didn't knew Ravi appa was there at our wedding ? How did this happen ?

Goutham: He was not there physically but he was watching the live. Rehman did with his mobile. 

Mithra: But the sign ?

Goutham: When we decided to marry, I was prepared to face every situation and your parents being so conservative they might go mad that we got married on ourself so I thought it would be good if we had one of our parent's blessing. Once I informed Rehman to start with the preparations I called my father and informed him about everything. He was happy that finally we were getting married and gave his blessings. About the witness signature, I made Rehman pay a hefty amount to the registrar so that once he left our penthouse he went directly to meet my father to get his signature on behalf of me. Rehman and Vinay signed on your behalf.

Mithra: Vinay signed as a witness for our marriage ?

Goutham: Yeah, I informed him too and that is why he went to temple and helped you to get your parent's blessings before you left home that day. We both had one of our family involved in our wedding.

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