Chapter - 57

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Recap: Mithra reveals about her love to Kavitha and later gets to know about Mithra and Goutham's marriage.


Mithra woke up startled and saw the time was 4 in the morning. She quickly took bath and called Goutham but his mobile was switched off which happened for the first time. She sat on the bed fidgeting with her nightie and hesitated to go downstairs. She gave up the idea as her father would be there and any move would be a mess at the time. She got ready to office and saw the time was 6.30. She came down and her father was reading newspaper as usual.

Raghuvaran: Mithra, time ippo dhan 6.30. ( Mithra, time is just 6.30 )

Mithra: Appa, I missed the meeting yesterday and I need to be in office early to catch up with the details of the meeting and i need to work on it.

Raghuvaran: ok, go see if your mother had finished cooking and get it packed for you.

Mithra nodded and reached the kitchen. Kavitha had finished cooking and saw Mithra standing from the peripheral view. 

Mithra: Maa, konjam seekiram poganum. ( Mom, I need to leave early )

Kavitha did not speak a word  but she started packing food for her in a box and gave it to her.

Mithra: Maa, I m sorry maa, please say something. 

Kavitha did not speak but gave a another bag to her and Mithra looked puzzled.

Kavitha: Idhula Goutham ku breakfast, lunch irukku. Avarukku pudikkuma theriyala. ( This is breakfast and lunch for Goutham though I don't know if he will like them)

Mithra smiled with tears and hugged her mother who just patted her back in return. Now she had taken the  burden or we could say the responsibility of her daughter's life. She knew it won't be easy but she made her mind for her daughter and her happiness.

Mithra kissed her mother's cheek and left home. She got in the car and instructed driver to take her to penthouse. She was on the edge of the seat every passing minute. Goutham's hurtful eyes made her pull her hair for putting him through it. Its painful moment for a husband to watch his wife getting ready to meet someone else who was present to seek her hand for marriage. The moment the car stopped before the huge building she jumped out and ran to the elevator and pressed the button to the top floor.

Her hands were sweating and as soon she was out of elevator she pressed her thumb on the finger print sensor and the door opened for her. She stopped in her steps looking at the living which was decorated with flowers. Tears rolled her cheeks with each step she took further. She stopped in the middle of the living looking at the table which had food he had cooked for them the previous day. The burnt candles and a little faded flower bouquet clenched her heart. She rushed to their room which was also decorated but Goutham was missing and next to their bed was a melted cake which had verse " Happy one month anniversary ".

She fell on her knees and cried holding her head as it ached from all the crying since the previous day. She wiped the tears and rushed to search for Goutham. She saw him in laying in the couch in the garden holding her saree to his chest. She sat on the floor next to him and caressed his hair gently. Goutham opened his eyes and met with her tearful ones. 

Mithra: I m sorry Goutham, please forgive me for hurting you, I m giving you only pain.

Goutham: If anyone is to apologize then it should be me Mithra. I m so sorry. I m ashamed of myself for my acts yesterday. I will never forgive myself Mithra. 

He outstretched his hand to wipe her tears but stopped in air and retracted back looking at the floor in shame. Mithra cupped his face with another hand.

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