Chapter - 60

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Recap: Mithra gets to know about Goutham and Vinay being acquaintance through her professor


Skip to Sunday:

Mithra got ready in a silk saree and did her hair. She reached Vinay's room and saw him sleeping. She picked his mobile and returned to her room and hid in her handbag. She again entered his room and shook him to wake him from his sleep. Vinay groaned and sat leaning on the headboard glaring at Mithra.

Vinay: Why are you so cruel to wake me so early on a sunday ?

Mithra: Get ready, we are going to a place and its surprise to you.

Vinay looked at her baffled and tried to lay down but Mithra punched him hard.


Vinay nodded his head to see her losing patience and jumped from the bed rushing to the washroom to get ready. Mithra reached the hall and saw her father watching news and her mother folding clothes.

Raghuvaran: When will you return Mithra ?

Mithra: I m not going alone. Vinay is coming with me and once the wedding is over we both wanted to have some brother sister time so we will have lunch and then return home.

Vinay got dressed up and reached the hall and started searching for his mobile.

Kavitha: Ennada thedura ? ( What are you searching ?)

Vinay: Mobile maa..

Mithra: Vinay, we are getting late and don't worry I got my mobile and if you wanted to call someone you can call from mine. Lets go now.

Without waiting for his reply she started dragging him out. She gave the address to the driver and messaged Goutham that she will pick him from penthouse.

Mithra: So Vinay, how is your work going on ?

Vinay: Its good but why are acting weird ?

Mithra: Ohh boy I got a surprise for you. You will love it.

Vinay felt the change in her demeanor yet he pushed the thought away and watched out the road they were going. The car stopped before the huge building and Mithra called Goutham to meet at the parking. Goutham whistled and entered the elevator with excitement. Once he reached the parking he saw Mithra's car and walked towards it. He opened the back seat and froze looking at Vinay who was already in shock. Both gulped without a word and looked at Mithra who was smirking.

Mithra: Goutham, this is my brother Vinay and Vinay he is my boss Goutham.

Vinay/Goutham: Hello, nice to meet you.

Mithra: Wow, look at both of you such a wavelength. Goutham do you mind taking the seat in the front ?

Goutham smiled and opened the door of the passenger seat and got seated. The driver started to drive to the destination which Mithra had mentioned. There was a thick silence and Mithra cleared her throat making both Goutham and Vinay startled in their seat.

Mithra: Do you both want to know where we are going now ?

Vinay/ Goutham: Yes.. please

Mithra: Woww, again wavelength. No problem, I was invited for a marriage but the person wanted to meet you both so I thought of making him happy taking you both with me.

Goutham/Vinay: Who is it ?

Mithra: My professor Mr. Saravanan.

Botha Goutham and Vinay turned to her in shock and saw her fuming in anger and not meeting either of their eyes.

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