Chapter- 54

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Recap: Raghini joins MiGo later Mithra confronts Nithya to know about her problems.


Mithra arrived early at penthouse and saw Goutham was up already and pacing in the kitchen shirtless. The music was blasting as he continued cooking. Mithra tiptoed behind and was about to hug him but he turned around and lifted her in his arms immediately.

Mithra: How did you knew I was behind you ? Don't tell me you know my scent blah blah blah.

Goutham: Sunshine did you forget that I get notification in mobile when the door is opened. Who will enter our home other than you and me and ofcourse I was eagerly waiting for you.

He lowered her to sit on the island and stood between her legs taking a quick suck of her lower lip.

Goutham: A few minutes more and we will have breakfast together.

He returned to cooking and Mithra jumped from the island and hugged him from behind. Slowly she moved back and traced his muscles with her palm and when her eyes caught her name on his spine she lowered and kissed them. He pulled her to his front 

Goutham: Trust me baby I am tempted as much as you are the moment I saw you but let me feed your tummy first and then I will feed on

Mithra shut his mouth with her palm and smacked his arm.

Mithra: Pervert..

Goutham smiled and started feeding her breakfast as he ate along with her. Together they cleaned the dishes and returned to their bedroom. As soon as she stepped inside she inhaled the fragrance and saw everything kept in place. 

Goutham: I have bought a safe locker and all your jewels are in it. Our wedding date is the key code for it.

She entered the closet and opened her wardrobe and saw her sarees were cleaned and placed in place. She smiled and pulled a skirt and then opened Goutham's wardrobe and picked a shirt. Before closing it her eyes caught the attention of a chest in the lowest corner of the wardrobe. She picked the chest and placed it on the teapoy carefully.

Quickly getting changed her dress she opened the chest and found a few handkeys in it. All had black stains. She returned to the room and saw Goutham was choosing a movie to watch.

Mithra: What are these Goutham and why are having dirty handkeys in a chest ?

Goutham stopped his attention from the TV and patted the space next to him for her to sit.

Goutham: They are remainder on the number of times I watched you cry and I tried to comfort you. All those black stains are your eye liners. I wish there won't be anymore handkeys joining the chest. 

Mithra picked the handkeys one by one and the last made her brows knit together. It looked very old and the eyeliner had withered from it and she also saw brown dirts on it.

Mithra: This one seems very old and what is the brown dirts in it ?

Goutham quickly snatched it from her hand and placed it back in the chest.

Goutham: I don't remember exactly may be it should have been from one of the days when you cried for losing  the volleyball match.

Mithra: I never cried for losing volley ball match and you never came face to face in college so how come you could have consoled me ?

Goutham: I don't remember the exact game you played that day because my attention was all on you my queen and I passed this handkey through someone and you dropped it on the ground before you left from there. I picked it up and saved it. This was the first handkey that wiped your tears.

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