Chapter - 93

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Recap: Everyone in the family are happy to know about Mithra's pregnancy. Later Pranav question Karan about Goutham knowing the arrival of Xavier and Dheeraj.


Karan closed the door which he opened for Pranav to exit and gestured him to sit on the couch. 

Karan: Boss, I knew you would ask this question and I wanted to tell you on my own after the therapy since the doctors are waiting but still I will answer all your questions.

He fished out his mobile and opened a few photos were two men were tied and their face were bruised to the extent that one couldn't identify them.

Pranav: Who are they ?

Karan: Managers of Dheeraj and Xavier's father. They had been working with Goutham and they gave information to him. They had been in the plan from the beginning and even gave information about Xavier father's jogging time and place to kidnap him.

Pranav: But they were aware of Dhee and Xav's whereabouts from the beginning so why did they kill them only now not before ?

Karan: They don't have answers for that and said it was Goutham's plan. I have also warned Manoj and Lavan's father to be careful with the people around them. I have sent a few men to check on their managers and PA for their safety.

Pranav: In that case should I also keep a close watch on you too ?

Karan: You are most welcome to do that and I won't blame with the situation you are in now but trust me I will protect you with my life. I have increased the security around you and I will be with you all the time from now unless you want me to leave you.

Pranav: I want a sniper who could do an execution from distance. Get one on priority and I want her life for my revenge. Let him follow her and we can pay as much as money he wants but I want her dead. I want to see him dying looking at his love dead.

Karan: I will speak to someone and will arrange one at the earliest.

In the same mansion in the room where Raghini and her parents were kept under house arrest Raghini's mother started screaming at Raghini for being the reason of all their misery. Raghini watched her mother without speaking a word opposing her and tried to walk away but Raghini's mother pulled her back sharply holding her wrist.

Raghin: Maa, stop being headache to me. Just because you keep shouting nothing will change. We need to wait until the baby is born. He is psycho and will never listen to a word.

Raghini's mother: It is all my fault and I should have listened to Ravi when he warned me to take you away from there and we could have not seen this day.

Raghini's father: Place doesn't matter. Your daughter has decided to bring this upon us and even if we took her from Ravi's mansion still she would have ended up with this condition. She is nothing else but shame to us.

Raghini: Where was the shame when you sent me to get Goutham in my trap ? You were all greedy for all the money of Goutham and now he got married to that bitch and here I m trapped with a bastard so just shut up and don't eat my brain.

Raghini's mother: You couldn't even convince him to marry you or atleast let you free. Can't you put some sentiment acts and get him to feel something for you considering you are carrying his child ?

Raghini pulled a knife from the fruit bowl and stormed out only to be stopped by the guards who tried to stop her. Raghini placed the knife on her baby bump and threatened the guard to move from her way. She followed the way and stopped before Pranav's room and banged on the door. Karan opened the door and saw Raghini holding a knife and pointing on her bump.

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