Chapter - 114

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Recap: Mithra gets to know everything from Goutham and Rehman.


A week passed and Mithra was able to walk slowly and she had started with normal diets. Goutham carried her to the beach every evening to have some fresh air. Pranav started working from office and he never left a chance to get close to Nithya but she avoided every time and moved away with the excuse of missing Mithra and started crying.

It was another usual day Nithya was in her cabin working in her laptop. Pranav entered holding flowers and gave it to her. Nithya gave a gentle smile and placed the flowers on her table and looked at him who was leaning on the table standing right next to her.

Pranav: You look so beautiful Nithya. Every color suits you very well. How about we go out for lunch today ? Its been long time and you will feel better going out.

Before Nithya could reply there was a knock on the door and Nithya called the person and it turned out to be the marketing manager.

Nithya: Yes, anything urgent ?

M. Manager: Madam, you have rejected the proposal for the new project but it seems like a good one to get good profit for us. So please can you consider again. We haven't signed any new project in recent days.

Pranav picked the file and went through the details and Nithya was clenching her fist to control her anger and cursing the manager's entry at the wrong time. Once Pranav closed the file he informed the manager to leave and to contact later about the project.

Pranav: This seems an excellent one Nithya. Why did you reject it ? I mean any specific reason ?

Nithya: I m sorry Pranav, I didn't do it on purpose. I must have lost my concentration after what happened to Mithra. See, I couldn't do anything properly and because of me few projects were lost. Better fire me Pranav why keep a waste like me with you.

Pranav placed his finger on her lips to stop her rambling.

Nithya Mv: Porambokku kaiya edu da naaye. ( Wasteland, remove your hand you dog )

Pranav: Stop being nervous. What if we lost few projects ? Remember I told you already that I don't mind a few loss if that would cost you to learn business so don't worry about it.

Nithya: You are too good Pranav. I m so happy to have you in my life. 

Nithya Mv: Veetukku poi vaaya surf excel potu kaluvanum. ( I should wash my mouth with surf excel on returning home )

Pranav: You have become very emotional these days and need some relaxation. We are going for lunch that is final. Get up now.

Nithya Mv: Unakku saavu mani adikka oruthi ready ah irukka da pannipayale. Konja naal wait pannu ( someone is ready to ring the bell to your death you pig. Wait for few days )

Nithya: Go ahead and I will join you after informing the manager to go ahead with the project.

Pranav left her room and Nithya pushed the paper weight in frustration. She called Tara and informed her to keep a watch on the marketing manager to remove him from their way to proceed with their plans. Later she called him and informed him to start working for that project.

Taking her mobile she sent a message to Chandru about the plan and left her room cursing Pranav in her mind. Pranav was standing leaning on the car and seeing Nithya he opened the door for her and then joined next to her.

They arrived at the same hotel he took her for lunch every time. But unlike other time he chose to sit next to Nithya and they placed the order. Nithya wanted to run away from him but managed a smile and looked at the interiors as if they were the most fanciest thing ever she had come across.

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