Chapter - 27

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Recap: Shylaja get to know about Mithra later Goutham feels bad as he couldn't take Mithra's silence and her distancing herself from him.


Goutham returned to his room and was followed by Rehman. 

Goutham: Is there any news Rehman ?

Rehman: This is not about business but you. She is so madly in love with you but she won't confess it. Give me a chance and I will make her confess her love to you.

Goutham: I don't want to force her Rehman and in no way I will hurt her to make her confess so if you have any idea then drop it and get back to work.

Rehman: She won't be hurt. Just do a simple thing and stay at your penthouse, don't come to office. Give her a break to think and sure she will come to you. Just once trust me.

Goutham: One chance but remember I don't want her to be hurt by anyway. One drop of tear from her eyes and mark yourself dead.

Rehman: Ofcourse now wind up for the day and leave. I will take care of everything. 

Goutham hesitated to leave and scratched his eyebrows. Rehman laughed at him.

Rehman: You lived for years without seeing her just a few hours and a night should not matter to have her permanently in your life.

Goutham agreed and left his office with a heavy heart. Mithra was still seated in the conference room crying over the mess she had created. She got up and rushed to the washroom and locked herself.

Mithra: What should I do ? I love him a lot but he will have to face a lot of problem for being with me. Its not so easy. I cannot imagine a life without him.

Mithra Mv: Mithra, there is no love without pain. If he is ready to fight for you and if he is doing it happily then why are you hurting yourself and him ? Atleast you both will be happy if you accept him in your life other people will be spectators like Vinay said. They won't be behind you to watch how you live your life. Stop thinking about others and for once think about yourself and him. Seriously you are exaggerating things Mithra. This is not at all a problem in the first place. You are over reacting and spoiling both of your lives. 

Mithra: Yes, I can't ignore him anymore. If he is ready to fight for me then I will do for him. Either I will live with him or die without him. I won't delay anymore and confess my love for him.

Mithra washed her face and left the washroom. She entered Goutham's room and saw it was empty. She came out and called Rehman.

Mithra: Where is Goutham ?

Rehman: He left for the day. He was in a very bad mood. Poor man looks like he is in too much pain. I felt pity for him when I saw him leaving.

Mithra Mv: I hurt him too much... I m such an idiot for hurting him.

Mithra: Rehman, will you take me to his penthouse please. I want to meet him immediately.

Rehman Mv: Should I take her ? Did she change her mind or would it be good to execute the plan now ? 

Rehman: Ok, give me 5 mins I will clear up my table and then we shall leave.

Mithra nodded and left to pack her bag. Rehman called Bala immediately.

Bala: Enna da ippo call panre ? ( Why are you calling now man ?)

Rehman: Listen, Mithra wanted to meet Goutham now but I m not sure if she changed her mind so we are executing the plan now. I will take her to penthouse call me exactly after 5 minutes to start our plan.

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