Chapter - 101

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Note: Hello everyone, there's were many request for double updates but honestly next couple of chapters might end up with cliff hangers so double updates doesn't end your curiosity. Still I will give a second update at right time.  Hope you will all understand. Thank u.❤️

Recap: Raghini lies to Raghuvaran about Gotham being the father of her child. Later Vinay reveal that Mithra was a rape victim.


Mithra shook her head slowly denying whatever she heard and took slow steps backwards. 

Mithra: It can't be possible. He is lying ... he ...he is lying...its not true...

Except Vinay everyone were in complete shock and Vinay rushed to Mithra cupping her face and wiped her tears.

Vinay: Mithu, what are you doing here ? 

Mithra: What did you say ?

Vinay: Nothing Mithu.. we were just talking and nothing serious. Raghini was here and I was talking about her. Don't worry we will inform mama and he will handle her.

Mithra didn't meet his eyes but remembered her conversation with Goutham the morning after their wedding night.

Mithra: Goutham, why did I not bleed ? I mean I heard women usually bleed during their first time.

Goutham: You did Mithra, since our bed was covered with flowers they did not stain the sheets.

Mithra: Are you sure ? I didn't remember seeing any stain.

Goutham: I removed the flowers and you were so tired to notice everything. Now come on I m hungry and I know you are hungry too. 

Realization dawned upon her and her body started trembling.

Mithra: No, you are right. I m impure, a disgrace to everyone, I shouldn't be alive. My Goutham deserve someone better than me. I don't deserve my Goutham.

Before anyone could react she pushed Vinay who didn't expect that and fell back on the floor. Mithra closed the door and locked it from outside to stop them from following her. Shylaja, Kavitha and Vinay screamed her name and pleaded to open the door but Mithra walked out crying.

The securities who had followed Mithra from the penthouse waited at a distance watching her car and out of nowhere they saw two men opening the door of her car and the driver was shot dead and Raghini got in the passenger seat while another man got in the back seat.

At the same time Mithra walked out and she ignored the car she came in and was about to walk past it but the door opened and she was pulled in suddenly.

Mithra: Let me go. I shouldn't be alive. I should go away from my Goutham.

"Yes Mithra I will help you in that " the person spoke and Mithra saw Raghini in the passenger seat and her driver was unconscious next to her was a man who was holding her. He placed a cloth on her nose and she fell unconscious. Raghini saw Pranav's man in the driver seat and nodded her head to start the car.

The car drove fast and the securities followed the car at high speed. They even called Rehman and informed him about Mithra being kidnapped by Raghini. Rehman tracked the GPS of Mithra's car and followed it. As soon as he cut the call he called Bala.

Bala: Rehman, I got the information and I m already on my way.

Rehman: Stop your car and choose some other means to follow them. 

Bala: I will do that but have you informed Goutham ?

Rehman: No, I will inform Tara to contact the airlines to redirect his jet but still that won't happen immediately. It will take lot of procedures so he cannot return immediately. I m scared of his reaction but somehow we will make sure he is back to chennai without knowing about Mithra being kidnapped but we need to save her before he lands.

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