Chapter - 49

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Recap: Pranav leave Raghini giving the taste of her own medicine for messing with him.


Goutham couldn't avert his gaze from Mithra's gloomy face as they walked out the airport. As soon as they reached where Rehman was waiting to receive them Goutham opened the door for Mithra and moved to the other side where Rehman opened the door for him. As soon he got next to her Rehman started driving and Goutham pulled her to his embrace.

Rehman: Welcome back boss and boss madam.

Mithra: Hope you enjoyed a week without being given orders from your boss and running around like your tail was set on fire ?

Rehman: No, actually I was bored and missed boss a lot though I had some work to take care of.

Goutham: Rehman drive to penthouse.

Rehman: Ofcourse boss. I have informed driver to arrive at penthouse to take Mithra back to her parent's home.

Mithra: How do you guys plan everything ?

Rehman and Goutham chuckled to her words but did not reply. Once they arrived at penthouse Goutham took Mithra to their bed room and made her sit on the bed and sat on the carpeted floor holding her hands.

Goutham: Mithra, I know what is on your mind. Stay with your parents today and tomorrow I will take you to my parents. I will handle everything and my parents will wait until you are ready to talk to your parents. This is my promise to you. 

Mithra: I know you will take care Goutham. Give me a month time, I will find a prefect time to convince them. 

Goutham pulled her and pressed her forehead with his. Mithra closed her eyes and cupped his face in her palms.

Mithra: I will miss you.

Goutham: Our office won't be just office anymore. It will be our home too and unlike other married couples we will stay together during day. I will miss cuddling with you and waking up to see you snuggling into me. 

Mithra: I will miss too... I m not sure if I will be able to sleep without you.

Goutham: Don't worry I will take care that you will get a good sleep at night.

Mithra: Don't you dare to try to enter my room like you did on my birthday. I don't want you to be on parent's bad book by getting caught together in a room at night. 

Goutham: I will make sure you will be tired enough to fall asleep at night. I repeat our office is our home too.

Mithra smacked his shoulder and he chuckled kissing her cheeks.

Goutham: No matter how busy we could be we will have our lunch together. I will arrive office early than usual and we will work overtime to stay together for more time. Saturdays are our day at our home. 

Mithra: Perfect plan. My parents will be waiting and it would be good that I leave before they call me.

Goutham: I have some work to take care so I will call you at night. Take care until then.

Rehman escorted Mithra to the parking and once the car disappeared Rehman returned to the penthouse and saw Goutham getting ready in his casuals.

Rehman: Boss, you don't have any appointment at this time. You may rest for some hours.

Goutham: Someone should be impatient to meet me. Let me finish the task for today then I will rest to handle the task for tomorrow.

Rehman nodded his head and together they drove to Chandru's apartment. The moment the door was opened Chandru who was seated in the couch in the hall got startled and was caught off guard when Goutham started blowing punches on his face and did not stop even when Chandru fell flat back on the couch. Neither did Chandru protest him nor Rehman stopped him for they knew trying to stop a raging Goutham riles him up further. 

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