Chapter - 11

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Recap: Goutham and Mithra arrive at the hotel for the client meet.


Mithra clenched her fist and watched the waitress bending towards Goutham. Mithra waited for his reaction towards the waitress and to satisfy her heart and mind Goutham stood from his seat and took a step back giving a deadly glare to the waitress, his eyes fixed on her face.

Goutham: Miss, I appreciate if you could be at distance. I don't encourage some third party in my personal space. So stay out or better get us a waiter for the time we have our booking.

Waitress: Sir, you are getting wrong. I just wanted to make you comfortable. Please don't mind.

She tried to touch his arm but Goutham threw a glass on the floor making Mithra and the waitress flinch, gaining the attention of the manager who rushed immediately. Goutham pointed his forefinger towards the manager gritting his teeth.

Goutham: Get her away from my sight. If you are looking for customers to bed your staffs then consider you are sued for messing with me. 

Manager: I m so sorry for whatever happened. We have a reputation in taking care of customers in the most dignified way. I will assign a waiter to take care of your orders. Please excuse us this time. It won't repeat.

Goutham: You better do that and now get this bitch away.

Manager called the waitress in a stern voice and left from there assigning a waiter for Goutham. Mithra smiled at him and immediately controlled when Goutham looked at her.

Mithra: You don't like someone touching you, women in particular ?

Goutham: Depend upon the place the person hold in my life. I may be London return and broad minded about men and women being social but that doesn't mean letting some random person in my personal space which is meant only for the special person in my life.

Mithra: You haven't

Goutham: No, I haven't been with any girl. I have never let any girl near me other than my mother.

Mithra looked at him thinking about the moments he had touched her even if it was to save her. 

Goutham: If you are asking about the moments I shared with you then I have a lot to say. Will you be ready to listen to all what I have to say ?

Goutham undertsood her unsaid question and touched her knuckles and caressed with his thumb slowly. Their moment was disturbed by Mrs.Banu who joined them and Mithra introduced Goutham to Banu.

Goutham: Mrs.Banu, hope you don't mind having another guest to join us for lunch. We shall discuss business after the lunch.

Banu: You can call me just Banu and sure I don't mind having a guest of yours.

Shortly a woman in his mid thirties joined them and before Goutham could introduce him Banu stood greeting her.

Banu: You are Anupree the stylist and manager of the actress who was on the cover page of Vogue recently right ? I saw her interview and about you too. so nice to meet you.

Anu: Thank you so much. I had something important business with Goutham.

Goutham: Anu, she is Mithra, executive head and one of the best human we could ever meet. Such a lovely, caring and exceptionally talented person of MiGo.

Anu: so nice to meet you Mithra...such a beautiful lady you are.

Mithra: Thank you, you look gorgeous and happy to have met you too.

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