Chapter - 94

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Recap: Everyone is happy to know pregnancy of Mithra. Pranav inform Karan to hire a sniper to kill Mithra.


Karan had arranged a sniper and he was given the details of Mithra to kill her. Pranav agreed to pay 10 million for the work and the sniper agreed instantly and he had been watching the building waiting for Mithra to come out of the building but she never came out. The sniper found a safe place in the opposite building from where he could target Mithra in her penthouse but for a week there was no glimpse of Mithra. He got fed up and called Pranav who was in his mansion.

Pranav: Is the work over ?

Sniper: Shit with the work. Did you really give me details of someone who exist ? I have waiting for a week but she never comes out. Are you sure she lives there ?

Pranav: Yeah she lives there. Even if you have to wait for a month then do it and kill her once she steps out. I will inform Karan to pay for every day you had to wait to do the work.Now stop calling me until you finish the job.

He cut the call and immediately it starting ringing again and this time his face lit up seeing Nithya's name in it. He answered it immediately with a wide smile on his face.

Pranav: I thought you will hate me and will never call me again Nithya.

Nithya: What made you think so ? And if I didn't call you that doesn't means you should not call me. Why haven't you called me ?

Pranav: I told you that I will wait for your call and now you did so from now on I will call you anytime and everytime.

Nithya: Where are you ? shall we meet ?

Pranav: I m at home. Tell me where do you want me to come.

Nithya: Won't you invite me to your home ? You said you will take me to your home, office and introduce me to your father. Its ok no problem we can meet at the cafe near my office and I have something important to tell you.

Pranav: Do you want me to send my address or I m sure you would have found my mansion. Come over and I m waiting for you.

Nithya: Sure ?

Pranav: come on princess.

He cut the call and saw Raghini standing with a bottle of water and looking at him. He ignored her like nothing and called his home manager, chef and Karan immediately.

Pranav: Manager, get the porch decorated with flowers and also get me the best bouquet of flowers. Chef, prepare briyani, pasta and whatever special you could cook. Karan, make sure Raghini and her parents are locked up. I don't want any disturbances when Nithya is here. This is the first time she is coming and I don't want any mess. You and manager too stay in the study or guest room.

Karan saw Raghini and gestured her to follow him and once she was inside the room he locked the door from outside with strict warning to stay quite. He also locked Vasudevan's room and returned to the study. Manager watched the maids and servants decorating the porch with flowers and placed a huge bouquet of flowers on the teapoy in the living. Pranav got dressed in a white button up shirt and black pant and set his hair before he reached the living and smelt the flowers that were waiting for Nithya.

He himself entered the kitchen and opened the lids of the casseroles and checked the dishes one by one and gave a satisfactory smile. An hour later he heard sound of car halting and took his steps to the porch with flowers in his hand. Nithya got down and was about to pay the driver but he paid and passed the flowers to her.

Pranav: Welcome to my humble abode Nithya... so happy to meet you after a long time.

Nithya took the flowers from him with a smile and saw the decorations in aww.

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