Chapter - 80

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Recap: Goutham reveals how he got Mithra sign in the papers.


Pranav walked out and saw his PI and Karan waiting for him. Karan opened the door of the passenger seat for him and then he got in the driver seat with his PI in the back seat.

Pranav: Did they question you about the meeting ?

Karan: No boss, they didn't. They initially refused like every other time but I said this is something very urgent that you wanted to discuss with them and its a confidential meeting in a secured place so they agreed. They messaged me that they will reach soon.

Pranav nodded his head and rubbed his forehead and an hour later they arrived at the resort and Karan escorted him directly to the room where the persons he called for was waiting and Pranav's PI followed them. Pranav saw the four old man looking at him with disgust, the same men father of his best friends Lavan, Manoj, Xavier and Dheeraj, once treated him as their son.

Pranav: Hello uncles how are you ?

Lavan's father: Why did you call us here Pranav ? 

Pranav: I found the girl and that bastard....

Dheeraj's father: So, what do you want us do now with that information ?

Xavier's father: We once treated you as our son and that stopped us from telling the truth to your father. That man still thinks that some men stabbed you because you fell in love with a girl and she betrayed you but in reality you all killed two girls and one of the girl's family killed themselves after they lost her. God knows what else you all did. 

Pranav: You don't want to revenge for Lavan and Manoj's death ? They were my best friends and we lived like brothers and I lost two of them. I lost 4 years of my life and You are not ready to tell me about Xavier and Dheeraj. Atleast tell me if they are alive.

Dheeraj's father: Wherever he is, he is safe and alive so don't disturb me. I don't want to lose my son.

Xavier's father: Xavier is alive too and let him be, don't disturb us.

Pranav: If Xav and Dhee are alive why are you refusing to let me know about them ? I want to meet them. Please let me.. Where are they ?

Xavier's father: After seeing your condition we don't want to risk anything so don't contact me any time again.

Manoj's father: What do I get by revenge. Will I get my son back ?

Pranav: May be you are all cowards but I will revenge him and that bitch for all the lost years of me and my friends. That bastard is the CEO of MiGo, Goutham Ravichander, son of Ravichander, CEO and founder of RC Group of Industries. The girl is Mithra, wife of Goutham, they got married recently and she is the executive head of MiGo. Incase you changed your mind then let me know. One last time can I talk to Xav and Dhee, I really miss them. I m all alone in my life. Please atleast for the sake of our friendship and the time you treated me as your son.

Dheeraj's father: Do you think that Goutham has let go of everything happened and he might not harm Xav and Dheeraj if he find them ? What is the guarantee that he is not behind you for revenge and what if that leads to death of Dheeraj and Xav ?

Pranav: I attended his reception party and today we met at a meeting. I can save myself and my friends because I know who is behind us so you need not worry. I won't let anything happen to Xav and Dhee. Let me meet them once.

Xav: Who are they behind you ?

Pranav: They are my PA and PI. you can trust them and nothing goes out.

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