Chapter - 89

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Story Suggestions: hello everyone please give a read and extend your love and support to "Warm Love " by Ela_Hen. Please vote and comment to encourage the author.😊❤️


Recap: Goutham with family arrive at Nithya's home and fix Chandru and Nithya's marriage.


Shylaja felt hurt and thought she deserved that when Mithra denied to accept the jewels from her. None of them had any sort of shock reaction hearing Mithra's words as everyone felt Shylaja deserved it and she was reaping what she sowed. 

Shylaja: Its ok Mithra I can understand and truly I deserved this for hurting you and I m the worst mother in this world for hurting my own son for so many years even though I knew how truly he loved you. Please forgive me.

Mithra: I was never angry with you in the first place to forgive you aunty.

Shylaja: You are too good and I was so blinded in my stupidity that I couldn't see the right things happening in my son's life. Goutham I m so sorry please forgive me.

Goutham: I will say the same as Mithra did maa. I m not angry on you but I m upset and hurt that you stooped so low and that would have costed all our life. Its hard for me to forget everything and time is the best healer for everyone.

Shylaja: I understand and will wait for that. Mithra if you are not angry then why are you not accepting these jewels ? you may deny my jewels because I did hurt everyone but you can accept Goutham grandma's jewels.

Mithra: Aunty, I will happily accept the jewels but on one condition if you let me call you maa. 

Shylaja placed the jewels on the table and hugged Mithra sobbing and mumbling sorry for all her mistakes.

Shylaja: Please call me maa, I will be more happy.

Mithra: Thank you maa....

Shylaja pulled back from the hug and picked the bangles, chain from the box and made Mithra wear them. Once done she turned to Chandru and caught his hand but he did not meet her eyes and only felt her tears on his hand.

Shylalaj: I wanted to say sorry to you but I know that i don't deserve to be forgiven for what I did to you and Goutham. I m sorry and one day if you feel like forgiving me please do and relieve me from all my guilts and sins please.

Ravi truly felt happy to see the changes in his wife after so many years and wiped the tears from his eyes. Chandru broke down and Goutham patted his back to console him. Shylaja embraced a sobbing Chandru and ruffled his hair afterall she had raised him all those years when he turned at her mansion at a young age and she truly felt low of herself for everything she did to her own family.

Chandru: I need time aunty please.

Shylaja nodded and pulled back from the hug.

Ravi: alright this is too emotional for everyone so its better we get going and we will meet again after Chandru's wedding date is fixed. That boy needs to be happy now and let him go to his flat and call Nithya to have their private talks.

Goutham and Mithra smiled at his words and Chandru's lips curved. Ravi wrapped his hand around Chandru and they walked out followed by Shylaja who was holding Mithra's hand. She caressed Mithra's cheeks and gave a smile before following Ravi and Chandru to the elevator. Goutham locked the door and saw Mithra already looking at him.

Mithra: Are you happy ? Shylu maa has changed completely.

Goutham: I m not like you Mithra to forget everything easily and care for them even if they don't do for us. I m happy to see the changes but let us not get attached too much until we are sure that she doesn't go back to her previous state if something happens again that might force her to do.

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