Chapter - 24

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Note: Hello my dears, there are many comments and dms requesting for daily update but unfortunately I couldn't fulfill your wishes as I had a knee injury which resulted in bed rest for a month without walking so I couldn't sit for long time to give daily update.

Keep supporting. Thank you and Love you all.


Recap: Goutham tries to convince Mithra when she breaks down after knowing their age difference.


Goutham returned to his penthouse and slumped on the couch rubbing his face in his palm. He looked at the place next to him where Mithra sat which brought a smile on his face. He walked over to the fridge and gulped water from the bottle thinking of his next action plans. He fished out his mobile and called Vinay and explained him everything that happened and Mithra's reaction. Vinay consoled him to be strong to win his love. Goutham gave his ideas to Vinay for execution.

Mithra locked herself in her room and cried looking at Goutham's photo in her mobile. 

Mithra: I love you .....Goutham..but we cannot be together. You will be better without me in your life. Age is not a problem for me but having me in your life will only give problems. You will have to fight everyone and you will lose your peace because of me. I want you to be happy Goutham and I can't see you fighting your own family just because of me. I can't see people taunting you for having me in your life. Please Goutham don't make this hard for me than already it is.

Vinay knocked on her door and Mithra opened the door after wiping her face. Vinay sat on her bed and pulled her next to him.

Vinay: Mithu, I need a help. Please please please help me.

Mithu: Vinay, I m in no mood so please get lost if you are here to trouble me. 

Vinay: No serioulsy I need a help. 

Mithu: Tell me what it is quickly.

Vinay: My friends's brother is getting married and I want you to help me in selecting a gift for him.

Mithu: What is big thing in this Vinay ? go and buy something like you usually do and don't disturb me.

Vinay: This is not any ordinary marriage Mithu. This is some special marriage I had waited for so many days.

Mithu: Is he getting married to a man instead of woman is it ?

Vinay: Nooo, he is getting married to a woman elder than him by 7 years. They were so in love for 4 years and finally getting married next week. A grand wedding in their native, a village in south.

Mithra: Did their parents agree to it ? Are they not scared of the people badmouthing them ?

Vinay: Are you spending too much time with appa these days ? you talk like him Mithu. Who in the world cares about other people. And to your question their parents did not agree intially but they fought for their love. True love always wins right ? Their parents gave up understanding their true love and people who truly love each other will not care about others but they will first think about the person they are in love.

Mithra: Still he or she will have to listen to the people taunting them all their life. 

Vinay: Granny Mithu, people will taunt but for how long ? They have their own life to look after and they will eventually lose interest and move on to the next interesting gossip but if two people who are in love give up because of the fear of others then they will have to live their entire life in pain and guilt. If they give up for others then it will not be true love.

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