Chapter 1: Arrival

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I lift my head from the backseat of my dad's car. My head propped on my brother's lap, covered with my red and black plad blanket. I sit up, and ease my body to the right side of the truck. I look outside of the window and see palm trees, and the sun kissed my cheeks. I look through the Rear-view mirror and see my dad's emerald green eyes.
       He looks to me and says, "Hey honey, glad to see you have awakened from your beauty sleep" in a sarcastic tone.
      "Hey, don't blame me, your oldies music is what sent me to sleep" I say.
      My brother looks to me, and chuckles. "You have been asleep since 10 last night" says my older brother, Noah.
     "Okay, and what time is it now?" I say, with a stern look on my face.
       "10 am. You have been snoring worse than grandma Beverly after cooking Thanksgiving dinner." Says Noah in a humorous tone.
        I respond, puzzled, " I must've fallen asleep after we left Nevada and entered Cali."
      "WOW! You think so?"
     "Shut up Noah."
       My dad looks at me and my brother. He pulls the car to the side of the road.
         "Hey, I know something that will end the two of you arguing. Look where we are at."
I look outside of the window, and there we were. The Hollywood sign in the corner of my eye. We made it. We have finally arrived in Los Angeles, California.

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