Chapter 13: Day 3

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    I wake up to the world around me. I look around the room and then look to my left. I see Hawk, my hand planted onto his chest. Shit. Let me check my breath... okay, it doesn't smell. Directly across me I see my door, to the right is one of my nightstands, beside Hawk the other. It feels so good to finally have my life unpacked, and a new beginning.... but first. I don't know what to do.... Do I wait for him to wake up? Do I go on into the living room? What do I do? Before I could figure it out, his alarm goes off. He quickly turns it off.
   "Well good morning." I say.
    "Morning." says Hawk. "Have you been staring at me this entire time?"
   "No. I just woke up myself." I respond.
"Oh okay. Yeah, Guns n Roses is my alarm. Love that shit." By the time he finishes that sentence.
  "Good morning kids." my dad says.
"Morning Mr. S." Hawk says.
    "Good Morning dad." I say.
  "Breakfast is ready. Whenever you two get ready for the day. Hawk, your mom only gave you clothes for last night so after breakfast you can go home I guess." he says.
    "Dad, we will be in there in a minute." I say.
"Okay Katie-Kat." my dad says, walking away.
     "Do you remember what happened last night?" I say.
  "Yeah, wait... do you?"
   "Yeah. So are we going to talk about what happened once we got into my room and my dad left." I say.
   "If you feel we need to." he says.
"Okay then." I say as I sit up on the bed, get up, and move over to the sofa in my room. Him following.
   "So..." says Hawk.
"Yeah." I say.
   The silence has arisen. And who would think it would get bigger. Maybe I should recap.
   We got in the house and my dad comforted me and then Hawk brought me hot tea. Dad and I told Hawk. Everything. And then my dad left us alone, and the night went on. We went from the sofa... yes... the one we are sitting on.... and we kissed. The kiss turned into a full on make-out... and then next thing I knew he was on top of me, but I cut us off before it went to far. But after.. we didn't know what to do. So, we just watched Tiktok on my phone and went to sleep.

   Now let's get back to the current predicament. What are we? Are we a couple... are we talking? What is going on.... Do I for the first time have a boyfriend? GOD THE SILENCE IS KIDDING ME. I just recapped what happened last night to my brain. Am I that desperate? Or am I just replaying an awesome memory. I can't seem to get it out of my mind. The way his shoulders was broadened and how he was so open to my body. You know what.. I can't handle the silence anymore.
   "So.. what does this mean?" I say.
"I was really hoping you knew the answer to that question." Hawk said. "Either way, we have to figure it out within the next 30 minutes, remember, you are going to see Silver today."
   SHIIIIIIIT. I completely forgot about that.
"Forgot didn't you?" Hawk said, reading my mind, once again.
  "Yes. God how could I forget?" I said, speaking my real feelings. "This entire thing is a fever dream."
"Yeah, but honestly." Hawk starts to get up, and walk close to me. "I don't care what we are, as long as we are together while doing it." says Hawk.
  I start to blush. "I feel the exact same way." I say smiling from one ear to the other.
"I have an idea." says Hawk.
"Thank god one of us does.... well SAY IT."
"Why don't we both think about it while we are out doing our stuff. Then whenever we see each other tonight before going to the Arcade and playing a killer game of put-put, we figure this shit out." Hawk says, sounding reasonable... which is crazy unusual.
  "Okay, see you tonight." I say.
"Actually, you will see me in about 10 to 15 minutes in the dining room, but you won't communicate with me the way you prefer until tonight." Hawk says.
  "Okay, I guess I will not see the true you until tonight." I say.
"Okay... but before I do." he walks up to me and passionately brushes his lips against mine.
"Okay buck-o, we don't want another remake of last night now do we?" Hawk glares at me, "Actually, don't answer that question." I rush to my closet and grab my white blouse with my faded black ripped jeans, and when I go to walk over to my bra drawer and saw in the corner of my eye. "Hawk, why are you still in here?"
  "Leaving" Hawk says.
"Thank you." I say, annoyed, and then the smile comes back. He didn't care about everything, he just cared about me.
   I get changed and walk into the dining room. My dad, drinking his coffee, reading the paper at the end of the table like always.
  "Hey dad." I say, as I walk up to him and give him a hug from behind.
  "Good morning Katie-Kat." says my dad. "Ready to meet your great uncle today?"
  I look to Hawk, and he looks at me. "I'm ready to find out more about mom, but not ready to meet a man who is obsessed with torturing kids." I say.
   I don't really know how to feel. I really want to be close to him seeing how he is family, but I don't know how to approach the whole 'karate' thing.
"Well, I guess we better get going." my dad says.

I have a feeling I'm going to love it in LA.

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