Chapter 44: Imposter

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Samantha is right beside me, hugging me, Hawk on the other side holding my hand. Anthony is on the other side of Hawk.
I feel myself starting to get tired.
"I think I'm about to go to bed." Anthony says.
"Okay." Samantha says. "I'll be up there in a minute."
"I don't need you tucking me in, I'm not a-"
"Shut up Anthony. I'm not going up there to tuck you in I'm going up there to talk to you about something."
"Ugh okay." Anthony says. "I hope you get to feeling better Kate, I'll see you tomorrow when we get you back."
"Goodnight. See you then Anthony." I respond.
I sit there.
"I'm going to go up there and talk to Anthony. I'll be right back." Samantha says.
"Okay." I respond.
It's just me and Hawk sitting there. I don't know what to say, and he doesn't seem to have words. We just sit there, his hand holding mine.
"I'll go with you to get your stitches out." he says.
"Thanks." I respond.
"I don't really know what to tell you." he says. "I don't know how to comfort you."
"You're fine." I say. "I just want you here with me." I say.
"Ok. I can do that." he says. He puts his arm around me and leans back onto the couch. "Is this good? Are you uncomfortable?" he asks.
"I'm fine." I say.
"Do you want your phone back?" he asks. "You kind of left it on the chair when you went to the bathroom sick."
"I can't bear to look at it." I say.
"Everything will blow over eventually. It isn't that bad."
"It isn't that bad? It's really REALLY bad. What will NYU think? They won't want anyone who 'gave their self an abortion' to go to their school. I have worked so SO hard on my grades and my extracurriculars and everything. All for nothing." I say, sitting up.
"Kate, anyone in their right mind will know that an 11 year old cannot give their self an abortion. You need to just breathe." he says.
"Eli, you don't understand. It was the fact that I wanted to go across the country to get away from my family. If you haven't noticed, my dad is a Work-a-holic and my brother is an asshole."
"I have... but that doesn't mean you should go across the country to do it. There are other colleges who would love to have you, despite all of the shit that is going on in the public." Hawk says.
"I am way to exhausted to be having this conversation." I respond.
"Ok. Just lean back and relax." Hawk says.
"I can't do that." I say.
"Do you want to talk about anything?" Hawk says.
"Do you have a bag packed?" I ask.
"Yeah, why?" Hawk says.
"Let's get out of here." I say.
"Are you insane? We can't just leave." Hawk says.
"We can though. I mean. We can literally go anywhere."
"Kate... no." he says. "I feel like you need to get some rest."
"I need to get away from here." I say, starting to get up.
"Woah woah woah no. Kate. Just sit down."
"Fine. If you are 'sooooooo sure' then okay. I will sit down." I say.
"Thank you." Hawk says. "Come on, we can chill."
"Sure okay." I say.
"Let's turn on the TV." Hawk says.
"Turn on the News."
"Are you absolutely sure?" Hawk asks.
"Just do it" I say.
He turns on the TV and I see my face on the TV.
Hawk looks to me. "We really don't have to watch this."
"It's fine." I say. Looking at the face I see on the TV that's mimicking mine.
"I need to go to the bathroom." I say, getting up and walking away.
"Kate." Hawk says as I am walking away. I don't look back. I can't.
I walk into the bathroom and stare at the person in the mirror. I stare into my cold, dead eyes. The face I'm wearing is not one to be proud to have. I stare into my reflection, into my past, present, and future. I am stuck with this face forever. This face has been on every news outlet, every media page, and in everyone's minds. This face has become a symbol of toxicity. I can't bear to look at the imposter I see in the mirror any longer. I flush the toilet and wash my hands, then walk out.
"Kate." Hawk says, walking up to me.
"What?" I respond.
"I just wanted to tell you something."
"Okay, what would that be?" I ask.
"I wanted to tell you that I'm always going to be here for you. Whenever you need me, I'm there."
"Thanks Hawk." I say.
"Come here." He says, walking to me with open arms.
I hug him tightly and he holds me, our souls united. He looks down to me, me looking up to him, towering over my body. I feel the heat of the moment. I need his lips. I grab his jaw and pull our lips together. Kissing him passionately. He pulls away. Then he looks to me, he kisses me back.
I pull away. "They are in the room right beside us. I don't want them catching us."
"Ok. That's completely fine. Come on, let's go over to the couch." Hawk says.
"Okay." I respond.
We walk over to the couch and he turns off the TV.
"We don't need to watch that fake shit." he says, his arm around me.
We sit there a moment until Mrs LaRusso walks in.
"Kate, come on in. We need to talk to you about something."

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