Chapter 7: Waiting

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     I don't know where to go from this. My mind is clouded with thoughts. Why is Hawk so against me joining Miyagi Fang? I've only known him for a day, why should he care so much? What is so bad about this Terry Silver guy and Cobra Kai?
      "Do you want to come with me?" asks Samantha.
    "Where are we going?" I respond.
       "To go see if the Cobra's stole anything from my car?" she says, hoping she wasn't robbed.
     "Yeah, I will go with you." I responded, with despair electrocuting my entire body.
      She opens the door and we both walk outside to her white Lexus. The front door was left open from whenever they broke into it and ran away.
     "Well, nothing looks stolen." she says, after examining the inside of her vehicle, "guess they just wanted to start a fight."
      "That's good. At least they didn't steal anything, right?" I say, trying to cheer her up.
      "My dad is going to be so pissed whenever he figures out about this. He will lose his shit." she said, not knowing what will happen next, "Cobra Kai is worse than they have ever been. It's like they want to get us. We all have a fucking target on our backs. We are all fucking screwed."
      "Toda va a estar bien." I said.
    "What in the hell does that mean?"
      "It's Spanish." I say, puzzled as to how she is in Highschool and never taken Spanish, not yet anyway."
     "Oh, what does it mean?"
    "It means that everything will be alright." I say, trying to comfort her.
       "Thank you, but I don't think they will stop until we fight back. We preach on never throwing the first punch, but we fucking need to." Samantha said, starting to change her emotions and depressed to infuriated.
       "Maybe not 'striking first' is the best solution. If you stop showing that you are annoyed then they will eventually see that whatever they do won't phase you and they will stop." I say, remembering the advice my mom gave me when I had a bully when I was younger.
     "It's not the same with them though. They feed on it, and keep on. They are the same people who broke Demetri's arm to make a point. They won't stop until they get what they want. The fucking Valley."
    "They want the Valley?"
  "They want it so they're the only dojo, and everyone will go to them." says Samantha, ready to give up.
     "Well to fucking bad. They can go cry about it like the pussies they are. I mean who breaks into a car and doesn't steal anything or try to hotwire and steal the car? They are such fucking pussies." I say, knowing I was about to have to fight.
    "This isn't your fight though." says Samantha.
  "The hell it isn't. They fucking came onto my families property, not to even mention they broke into a car. Who knows, someone might report it to the police."
     "You can't do that Kate. If they know that it got reported to the authorities, it will be terrible. If you didn't have a target on your back, that's a really good way to get one."
    "Then what do you suggest we do? Have a fist fight every time we walk outside of our houses? That is complete and utter bullshit. You and your friends might let that shit happen to you, but I am not letting that happen to me. If they really are ruthless and bad to the bone, then why haven't they came up to my face, oh wait, yeah because they are PUSSIES." I say, yelling to make sure that everyone heard what I said.
     "Let's go inside." Samantha says.
   "Ok." I reply very plainly, wanting to face the enemy.
      "THIS ISN'T OVER!" I yell as I enter my house.
   Samantha barks, "Get in here before there is another all out brawl."
   We enter the house, but the air is still intoxicated. You could tell there was a fight here. The air is silent and awkward. What do I say to Samantha? She sounded pretty upset about the conversation outside. Maybe I just shouldn't say anything until the guys come back in. I wonder what they are talking about... what if it involves me? I can't let them make my decisions for me. I am a 16 year old girl, I am independent. Well, at least I was.
    In the corner of my eye, I see my father open the door to his study, the guys walking in and then my father following. The guys sit down very discreetly on the couch, glaring at me then exchanging look's between the four of them. I wonder what they discussed in there.
    "Hello there ladies." my dad says as he grabs a stool from the bar in the kitchen.
    "So, what is it Mr. Salvatore? What is going to happen now? Also, you know it was kind of shitty that you didn't consult me about this situation." says Samantha, mad.
    "I understand, and I want to hear your side Samantha, but most importantly, I know the problem now. And now that all of you have filled me in, I can finally fill you in now." says my dad.
    Is he really going to tell them about what happened in Utah? He can't. Why would he do this to me? I have always been good to him, never disobeying him, and doing everything he tells me to. He can't tell them my secret, not now. I have to stop him.
     "Dad wait."

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