Chapter 3: Meeting new people

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        About an hour passes, and I gaze out the newly placed couch and see a Lexus pull to the side of the road beside my house. 4 people get out of the car, three males and one female.
      "Alright they're here! Come on I will introduce you to them." says Hawk, relieved to have assistance.
      We walk outside and my hopefully future friends walk up to us.
     One guy had a Comic Book inspired shirt wrapped around his torso, and dark skinny jeans. His hair was swooped behind him and had a side part. He looked like the kind of person that would tell you off to make a point. He is really tall, I will estimate maybe 6'.
      Another guy had bushy brown hair and had on a plain coral colored shirt. His skin was a nice tan and he had brown-ish green-ish eyes. He had his arms wrapped around the one girl that came along with them. He was about 5'9.
      The last guy had a shirt with a red and black plad flannel shirt on it. He had blue jeans that looked worn out, like he knew he was coming to work and get it done. He was about 5'10/5'11. He had light brown hair and emerald eyes. His body was finely shaped.
      Lastly, the female had curly light brown hair. She was about 5'6. She had on a lavender purple tank top with black Nike shorts and black Nike shoes. She had a weird scar on her arm. It was three scarred lines across her bicep. Maybe she was cut? Or she got herself cut by accident? I was so curious about it, but knew it would be rude to ask, so I just left my words trapped within me.
       "So guys, this is Kate Salvatore. She is our age and just moved here from a small town in Utah."
      "Hey Kate, I'm Samantha Larusso." says the girl
      "Hey Samantha, it's nice to meet you." I reply, trying to sound polite.
       "I'm Miguel. Hawks friend. Nice to meet you Kate." says the bushy brown haired guy.
         "Hey Miguel." I reach my hand out to shake his, and he receives the and shake.
       "I'm Robby." says the guy with the light brown hair and emerald eyes.
        I wonder if he has a girlfriend? He is very cute.
        "Hey Katie-Kat. Who are these people?" says my dad, unaware of the fact that he just embarrassed me by calling me Katie-Kat.
         "Hey dad, these are some of Hawks friends. They came to help us move as well." I respond, giving him the don't embarrass me please face.
         "Well help is very much appreciated. I'm sorry kids I don't have any beverages at the moment. I am going to go get groceries when the people from Lowe's drop off the refrigerator." my dad says to everyone.
           "It's fine Mr. Salvatore. I thought this might happen so I have a cooler filled with beverages and Ham and Cheese wraps in the trunk of my car." responded Samantha, glad she came prepared.
           "Yeah, don't let her fool you. Her mom told her to bring that." says Demetri.
           "Shut up!" Samantha says as she balls a fist and plunges it into Demetri's arm.
            "OW!" responds Demetri, putting pressure onto his left shoulder.
            "Come on, it didn't hurt that bad. She barely hit you." says Miguel, annoyed. "Now why don't we start moving. We still have 5 hours of daylight left and only a fraction of the U-Haul left. LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" says Miguel trying to motivate everyone to do their best.
           "Yeah, we totally got this." says Robby.
        "Okay then. Kate and Samantha, start unpacking boxes and putting everything where they need to go. Robby, Demetri, and Hawk, you three move the boxes from the U-Haul into the house. You three will be working with my son, Kate's brother, Noah. Noah and you will be getting the boxes from the U-Haul to the outside of it." my dad says, taking charge of the situation. "We need to get this done by nightfall."
        "Noah?" says my dad, trying to find my brother.
     "Yeah?" says my brother, exiting the house trying to find out what is going on. "Who are these people?"
      "These are some kids Kate's age and they have come to help us." replies my dad.
       " Oh, okay." says my brother, approaching the pedestrians. "I'm Kate older brother, Noah. If you so much as lay a finger on my siste-"
       I drive my fist into Noah's chest. He chuckles. "Kate, don't get mad at me for protecting you."
     "It's not your place to protect me Noah, I can handle myself." I say, sounding independent.
     "Okay guys, as much as I love seeing people argue, we really need to get to work." says Miguel, in an annoyed and sarcastic tone.
     "Okay." Noah leans down to my ear, and whispers, "Whenever we get done and they leave, we need to talk."
      "Okay. Now go help us get moved into our house." I whisper back.
      So my new life is finally beginning.

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