Chapter 79: It's a Cruel Summer: Part 2

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"Kate? What the hell are you doing here?" Noah says.
   Oh my god.
  "Noah, I-"
    "Come on, let's go." Noah sits here.
  "No." I say.
     "No? Dammit Kate I'm tired of always cleaning up your mess. Come on." Noah says, grabbing my wrist.
    "Let go." I say, standing my ground.
   "Come on." he says, starting to pull me.
    "Noah, I said stop." I say, jerking back.
   Noah lets go of me and stares into my eyes. "Kate, get in the damn car."
     "I'm sick and tired of you always thinking you can just swoop in and tell me what to do." I walk in front of the couch the other side.
   "I'm your older brother, it's my job." he says.
  "Well guess what? You can quit your little act. I'm not buying whatever you are selling and you and all of your little Cobra Kai's can just go on and leave me the hell alone." I say, walking away.
   "Well hello Princess." Natalie says, walking out of the door. "Leaving already?" she says, as she walks over to my brother and kisses him.
    "You two are dating?" I say, looking to Noah.
  "What does it matter to you?" Noah says.
    "I was right. Cobra Kai is changing you, and dad just won't believe me."
    "Why should he believe you Katelyn? You have done nothing but prove that you are just a crybaby who needs a protector." Noah says, the crowd gathering and watching.
   Hawk walks in between us, "Hey, why don't we just cool off-"
    "And why don't you just shut the hell up." Noah says.
   "God Noah, why can't you just calm the hell down." I yell.
   "Because you can't leave the house without an argument getting started Kate. Whenever you aren't starting trouble it seems to find you anyway." Noah yells back.
  "Guys-" Hawk says, but gets interrupted by my brother.
   "And you... don't even get me started on you. You sleep with my sister and don't even care to say anything about it to me? Did you think I was retarded or something?" my brother yells with a loud voice.
   I raise my voice, "Noah just shut up. Ever since mom died you have shut me out."
   "Enough Kate." Noah says.
  "You have shut the world out. What are you so afraid of?" I shout.
  "I said enough." Noah says, slapping me.
   "Really?" I say.
   Natalie gets up in my face, "Leave him alone Crazy-Katie."
    "He's my brother-"
   "And he's my boyfriend." She says, getting closer to me.
   "I'm not scared of you." I say, looking her dead in her eyes.
   "Can you speak louder? I can't hear you over your heart beating." Natalie says.
   "I said I'm not scared of you." I say, then punching Natalie.
   "Really princess, that's the best you got?" she asks.
   I hear a police siren then look around.
  "Mess with fire and you're going to get burned Kate." Noah says.
   Noah then grabs Natalie and gets her out of the party as fast as he can... did he actually put her in front of me?
   "Kate, come on." Hawk says, grabbing my waist and pulling me out to the truck and runs to get in, then we drive off fast so that we don't get caught.
   We drive away from the house. I watch it disappear in the distance.
"Are you okay? That fight between you and Noah got pretty heated."
"I'm fine. Where was everyone?" I ask.
"They were there. They were having fun and then watching your fight with Noah."
"Oh." I respond plainly. I sink into the seat, wishing I would disappear from existence.
"Cassidy didn't mean what she said-"
"Well, she still said it." I say.
"Your mom didn't kill herself to get away from you Kate-"
"Maybe she did." I say.
"She was tired of dealing with my bullshit so she got out by that accident." I say.
Hawk says. "Kate that's not true."
"How do you know?" I ask. "She left this world and me here to suffer without her." I say, tearing up.
"Kate. I went through the exact same thing as you when P.J. died."
  "This is different." I say.
    "How?" he asks, pulling over.
   "She was the only one who knew that I was pregnant. She is the only one who was with me in that clinic when I got that abortion. She was my best friend, and she left me here all alone. She left me here to suffer without her. She was all that I had Hawk. My dad was always gone and my brother was always either in his room getting loaded or out with whatever slut wanted him. When I went somewhere- anywhere in fact, she was there with me. She was there for the good times and the bad." I start to tear up, "I lived, loved, and laughed for her, and now that she is gone I don't have anyone."
    "You have me Kate." Hawk says. "I will never leave you to suffer here alone, I promise."
  I turn to him, "Don't make a promise you can't keep."
   "I wouldn't." he says.
I look to him. "Hawk, you can't-"
    Hawk interrupts me, "I will never leave you to suffer through anything alone."
   I unbuckle and reach over and hug him. 
  "Now let's get you home. We have school tomorrow." Hawk says, turning back to the steering wheel.
   The car ride home was silent, but it was a good silence. It wasn't the kind of silence that was awkward and made you want to rethink life decisions, it was the kind that made you think about what was important in your life.
   We pull into my driveway and Hawk looks to me with a final glance. He then kisses my cheek.
   "Goodnight." Hawk says.
   I look to his lips and kiss him passionately. I then pull away from it before we got wrapped up in it.
   "Goodnight." I respond.
  I get out of the truck and walk into my house. The living room light is off, and so is the television. My dad and brother must have went to bed. I go to the kitchen and get a sip of water then go upstairs and go down the hallway and walk into my room. I take off my clothes and place them in my hamper, then put on my pajamas. I walk over to my vanity and remove my makeup, then go to my bed.
   I lay down and think about what life would be like if mom was still alive. What if we never moved to Los Angeles? What if I never met Hawk or anyone?
   I what if until I make myself cry, wishing my mom was here for my first day of Sophomore year. Then finally, it happens.
   I shut my eyes and fall asleep.

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