Chapter 34: The light at the end of the tunnel

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I'm in my bedroom... this is odd. I was just in a van.
"Hey." Hawk says.
"Hey?" I respond.
"Oh don't be so modest. You know why I am here."
"Because you want me." Hawk says, picking me up. My legs curl around his waist. I do want him. I grab his head and pull his lips to mine. He puts my body onto my bed. I caress his hair, stare into his eyes.
"I do want you." I say. He brushes his lips to my neck.
"That's why I hate that I have to do this." Hawk says, getting up, but it isn't Hawk anymore. It's Silver.
"I hate that it has to end like this Kate. You should've joined Cobra Kai." Silver says, pulling a gun and placing it to my forehead.
I open my eyes. I look around. I see an old wall, covered in residue and old junk. Where the fuck am I?
"She's awake." says a guy. He walks over and rips the duct tape straight off my mouth.
"Shut the hell up." he says, putting a gun to my head.
"What's your name?"
"Fuck you."
"WHATS YOUR FUCKING NAME." he says, pushing the gun closer.
"Katelyn Eleanor Salvatore." I say, remembering my place.
"He said you might have a smart mouth."
  "He? Who's he?"
"Like you would fucking want to know." he says, his stance changing.  "Listen, if you don't want your head to get blown off I recommend you listen to me."
   "What do you want."
  "What do you think I want."
   "I think you want something I won't give you."
  He laughs. "Hard to get I see." He says, walking up to me.
  "Do you have the camera ready?" The other guy says.
  "Yeah, put the mask on."
"Ok." he says, putting the tape back on my mouth.
  "Stay quiet princess." he says.
I try to move my body, but my hands are tied behind me. Wait. I have a bobby pin in my back pocket. I try to reach, but it's no luck. I will just try to pull the rope, but that isn't any luck. Oh god, I just have to accept my fate.
   "Look who's trying to get away that easily. ha ha." he says.
  "Looks like we have to show her a lesson." says the guy behind the camera.
  "We have to biggie."
"I thought I was going by Lil Cricket."
  "Then maybe you should follow that damn Keto diet. You ain't lil anything." he says.
"So what should we do to her." this other guy says.
  "We can't get her to bad, the man said to send her a message she won't forget."
   Oh god.
"I think she would look better without a shirt on." he says.
  I jerk my body away.
"Oh come on, don't fight me on this.
   I scream but nothing gets out of the tape except for a muffled sound.
  He gets a knife. It's game over for me.
He takes the knife and cuts the front of my shirt.
  "You actually thought I would cut you." he says, chuckling. "Why would we do that when we have this." he adds, receiving a lighter from the other guy.
He rips the tape off of my mouth.
  "FUCK ALL OF YOU." I yell, not accepting the unbearable pain. 
"How about we give you a reminder that you are nothing. You are just a girl who has a smart mouth and will never amount to anything."
   "You are the one to talk. You are kidnapping someone who has already been through this before. You think you can hurt me? You can't hurt me more than I've been hurt."
  "FOR FUCKS SAKE SHUT UP." he yells, hitting me with the gun. Knocking me to the ground. I feel blood dripping down my face. He gets the lighter and turns opens the lid on the top of it and holds it to my person, crouching down.
  "Pick her the hell up."
  The two people pick me up. The one person behind the camera, and the other person to my left. They pick me up and tie me to the top of this chain dangling down from the ceiling. I see one guy walking over to this table beside the wall. It looks like a whip.
He walks up to me a lashes me in the torso with it.
"OOOW" I yell in pain.
  The guy with the lighter walks up to to me. Only thing covering me is my bra, and my jeans.
  He takes the lighter and brushes the small flame against my bicep until a scar forms.
  If there is a god in heaven please save me. Save me from this torture.
   The third guy has only underwear on. He walks over to me. That's when I realize. I have arm strength. I grab onto the chain above me and I pull my body up and kick the person right in the groin.
  "Tie her legs."
  The other guy walks to me, but I kick him in the face, seeing blood appear under his mask, dripping down his body. He continues to walk towards me.
  I move my legs around, not keeping them in one position. Then he grabs my ankles and ties them quickly.
  "Really aren't going down without a fight huh." 
The other guy chimes in. "Let's try that new thing on her."
  "That's a great idea." he says, walking to the front of the abandoned building, then retrieving his body to where we are.
  He puts the new weaponry to me. It looks like a dagger with a short sword end.
  "You should've not fought back so hard." he says, getting the new weapon and caressing my face with it. "You know, I don't wanna get her with this weapon, I wanna keep on using the lighter."
    I see someone entering the building quietly. It's Mr Larusso. He looks to me and puts his index finger over his mouth. Signaling me to stay quiet.
  I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
   "Nah dude. I think we should use an even better weapon." the second guy says. Punching me in the arm where the burn mark is.
  "Let's undress her." Says the guy with the knife. Cutting my jeans off of me. The only thing on my body being my bra and underwear, and my necklace Hawk gave me.
  "DAMMIT." I whimper, wishing Mr LaRusso would help me.
   I look to Mr LaRusso discreetly. Then look back.
  He counts down from 5 with his fingers.
  "PUT YOUR HANDS TO WHERE I CAN SEE THEM." yells a cop, entering the building.
  "COPS." the one guy says. Running.
The cops chase the men.
   "Oh my god Kate." Mr LaRusso runs to me, as swift as he can. Sensei Lawrence following with a knife, almost as if he was prepared to fight.
  He unties the chains from my hands, then my body swiftly drops to the floor.
  "I'll cut your legs free." Sensei Lawrence says.
"Kate." Hawk says, running in.
   He runs to me, taking his shirt off, trying to put it on me.
  I'm speechless. These people I have pushed away and been mean to are saving me from a horrible situation. I can't help but to cry.
   "You're safe. Everything will be okay." Mr. LaRusso says. "Once Johnny gets your legs free we will go with you to the police station and you have to tell the police officers what happened."
  "How did you find me?" I ask.
"Please do not be mad, but the necklace has a tracker in it. I had it put it in there incase something like what happened to you today happened again."
  "I can't thank you enough." I cry, going to hug him.
"Ow." I whimper, remembering the burn marks on my arms.
  "Okay you are free, but I can't seem to get the cuffs off of your ankles or wrists."
  "They will get it at the police station." Mr LaRusso says.
  A police officer enters the room. "We will take her down to the police station."
  "Can someone ride there with me?" I ask.
"I'll go with you." Mr. LaRusso says.
  "Me and Hawk will follow in the van."
The officer helps Sensei Lawrence and Mr LaRusso pick me up.
  "Everything will be okay ma'am. Try to remember as much as you can and we will have detectives collect information when we get there."
   I walk out of the building. I see all different kinds of cameras on me. Sensei Lawrence and Mr Larusso clear the way for me to walk and Hawk covers my face.
  "Everything will be okay. It's just that seeing how your dad is the owner of a big company that makes this situation the public's business, even though it's not." Hawk says.
  Mr Larusso gets into the back of the cop car, I get in it with him.

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