Chapter 35: The police station

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The vehicle pulls away from the abandoned building. I start to cry.
"Everything will be okay." Mr LaRusso says, hugging me. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Actually we recommend that you not say a word about it until we get to the police station so that we can get the best description." the police officer says in the front seat.
"Yes sir." I say.
"I would contact your dad but he probably already knows." Mr LaRusso says.
"Where's my phone?" I say.
"It's being collected as evidence. You can have it back when we get to the police station."
"Damn. Take all of my freedom." I mumble under my breath.
"Do you wanna call or text anyone? You can use my phone." Mr LaRusso says.
"I'm good. Thank you though." I respond, quietly.
"How are you feeling?" Mr LaRusso asks.
"I- I'm not sure." I respond.
I hear a ding, but know it's not my phone.
"It's your dad. He wants to call."
"Are you mad at me?" I ask Mr LaRusso.
"Mad at you? Why would I be mad?"
"Because I got out of Tory's car and ran. I wouldn't have gotten taken if it wasn't for that."
"They would've gotten you anyway. I'm just glad you are safe now." Mr LaRusso says. "Now do you want to get on call with your dad?"
"I guess." I mumble.
He presses a button on his phone, then hands it to me.
"Baby, baby are you there?" my dad says.
"Daddy." I respond.
"Listen to me carefully. Tell the police officers whatever they want to know and I will be on the next flight home."
"Stay." I say.
"Stay? You want me to stay here?"
"Mr LaRusso is doing a good job taking care of me. I got taken because of my stupid mistake, it wasn't him at all. You don't need to leave the important conference you are at to come home."
"Baby if you need me there I will be on the the next flight to Los Angeles I swear."
"Stay there dad. I will be okay."
"About the paparazzi... I saw."
"Kind of figured. Every news outlet was there."
"Not every news outlet... baby I'm sorry."
"I'm fine dad. What time is it over there? Like 12 am?"
"It doesn't matter what time it is. The only thing that matters is you. Are you going to be okay if I stay until the beginning of next week?"
Will I? I want my dad here with me. I want to hug him and cry and feel him. As much as I want that, I know how important this company is to him. I will be okay til Monday.
"Yeah dad, stay."
"Okay baby. I'll stay, but if you need me there I will come at the drop of a pen."
"Okay dad. I love you."
"I love you more Katie-Kat."
"Get some sleep. I'll see you Monday."
"Okay baby."
I hang up. Water fills my eyes.
"Here's your phone back Mr LaRusso." I say, handing him his phone.
"Are you okay?"
"No." I say, breaking down into tears.
"It's okay, I'm here." Mr LaRusso says, hugging me.
We pull into the police station. I move and wipe my tears.
I see Sam, Tory, Miguel, Robby, and Demetri standing outside.
"I told them to wait at the house but evidently they don't know how to listen."
"It's okay."
The police officer opens the door. He puts a big blanket over me that says 'Property of LAPD'.
Hawk and Sensei Lawrence drive in behind us.
Hawk hurries and gets out of the van, he comes to me.
"The Paparazzi isn't far behind us."
"Okay let's hurry and get her inside." says the officer.
Hawk is right beside me. "Hey. Just remember you are gonna be ok. I'm going to go tell everyone to hurry up and leave before the news channels get here and everything starts to get bad. I will be right back inside."
I stop. "You need to go with them. I will see you when we get to Sam's house."
"I'm staying here." he starts to look at me. "Don't worry, Miguel got me a shirt."
"That's not even- Okay you can stay, but stay inside and don't talk to the news people."
"I wouldn't do that to you." he says, walking away.
I continue to walk into the building. I look back and I see everyone looking at me. I turn back to the inside.
"Okay right this way ma'am." says the officer, showing me to a room. "Sir you need to wait outside." says the officer to Mr LaRusso.
Sensei Lawrence walks over to Mr LaRusso, walking him towards the waiting room.
I walk into the room and see officers in there.
"Hello Mrs Salvatore, please come on in." says a woman cop.
"I'm Officer Stone and this is my partner Officer Smith. We would like to ask you a few questions."
"Yes ma'am." I respond.
"I understand that this has already happened to you back in 2017. You were reported missing at 10:32 PM at your home in Garden City Utah and were found in Savannah Tennessee at 2:57 AM."
I hate to face my past, but it's staring in hatred at me.
"Yes ma'am." I say.
"Can you tell me what happened this evening."
"I got in a fight with my friends and stormed away and got taken into a van and blacked out, then woke up in some building with three men who abused me. Then the police came."
"Okay we need to go more into detail. What time was this fight with your friends and where did you storm off to."
"Our fight was at like 11:30 this morning. Then I told her to pull over the car and got out and ran off. I last remember seeing a big apartment building with the name 'Reseda' on the front. I don't know what time it was though. I'm sorry."
"That's okay. Now we have a location of the abduction. Do you remember what happened after that?"
"I heard someone say, "Yeah it's her, get her." Then I saw three men run towards me. I ran but I wasn't quite as fast as them."
"Okay, now what happened after they got to you?"
I start to tear up. I don't even want to think about it. I don't want to think about any of it.
"Okay we can take a break. Would you like anything to drink or something?"
"A glass of water please." I say.
A few minutes pass and I calm down a little bit.
"I realize that this is probably the last place you want to be right now and this is the last thing you want to be doing, but we can send those bad men away and make sure they never do that to anyone else ever again. We just need you to tell us what happened."
"Okay. So two men grabbed my legs and torso and the other guy covered my mouth. I bit his hand and yelled for help, but nobody heard. Then they taped my mouth shut and threw me into the back of some van."
"Okay can you describe the van to me?"
"The van was two different tones of brown. It had a rack at the top of it and the windows on the sides were covered with blackout curtains."
"Okay. Now describe what happened once they put you in the van."
"I was in there for a moment and couldn't see anything. Then all of a sudden this machine was spraying some kind of fog that knocked me out."
"Okay. Now what happened once you woke up."

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