Chapter 23: The Hospital

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   "Really? Oh my gosh thank you so much." I say, glad that he is welcoming me into Miyagi Fang.
  "You are a true Eagle, but, this doesn't mean I will go easy on you." says Sensei Lawrence.
  "Yes Sensei." I say.
He goes to walk outside the door and I see him look to Hawk and say, "Bye Hawk."
   Then I hear Hawk say, "Bye Sensei." Then hawk enters the room.
  "Hey Kate, listen I know you said you didn't want Reese's but you really like them so I got them for you anyway. I also got you a Ginger Ale because I figure your stomach is sour from not eating for a while."
  "Thanks Hawk." I say, feeling terrible. "Listen I'm sorry for-"
"Don't apologize for anything. You have no need to apologize because you did nothing wrong." says Hawk.
  I feel the urge to grab his face and pull our lips together. I want to feel Hawks shoulders and back and I want to caress his hair and face. I just want him.
  "So there was something you should know." says Hawk. "Seeing how you are my girlfriend and stuff, I wanted you to have this." he says as he hands me a box. "I had it done yesterday, before I saw you. I was going to give it to you at the Arcade but that kind of got ruined."
  "Oh Hawk you shouldn't have." I say, receiving the box.
   "Open it." he says.
  I open the black velvet box to see a necklace inside of it. It's a silver plated necklace in the shape of a heart and. it says, "E+K".
  "E plus K? What does that mean?" I ask.
"Turn it around." he says.
   It reads Eli (Hawk) Moskowitz's girlfriend.
"Ohh yeah, your name is Eli. Sorry, often forget it." I say.
  "Yeah, I hope you would like it. You could have it on either side and it will both say something. You can also put charms on there." he says.
  "This is so sweet." I say.
"I would put it on you right now, but I can't because you have an MRI, a CT scan, and other stuff tomorrow and you can't wear jewelry. I asked."
  "Oh okay, that's fine. I will just.. uh, where can I put it?" I ask.
  "You can hand it to me." he says, as I hand him the necklace box. He puts it in his front pocket of his collared shirt that he is wearing.
  "Are you sure you don't want to go home and change?" I ask.
  He is still wearing the Collared Shirt and Khakis that he was wearing at the Arcade, with a hint of blood on the outfit.
   "Your dad is bringing me a change of clothes when he comes back in the morning. I am not leaving this hospital until you do." Hawk says.
   "I'm surprised he's not also bringing you gel to put your hair in the Mohawk haha." I say.
  "I'm not keeping my hair in the Hawk until I can get a shower in my home. It takes forever to wash that shit out." he says.
  "I bet so." I say, laughing.
"Glad I finally got to see you smile." says Hawk.
  "I'm glad you are here with me." I say, gazing into his eyes.
   His eyes are so easy to get lost in. They are emerald green and have a touch of mint in the corner of them. I could stare into them for hours.
   "Hawk." I say
   "Can you please get in my hospital bed with me?" I ask. "It would help me sleep."
   "Okay, let me go to the other side though your IV is on this one." he says, walking around the bed. "Ok, here we go." he says as he eases himself onto the bed, trying to be careful.
  "Thank you." I say.
   "It's no problem." he says.
*ding* Is that my phone? Where is it?
  "It's not mine." says Hawk. "Oh, yours is on the table right beside you." Seriously. I have been trying to find it everywhere.
   I look at my phone. It's a text message from a random number. It reads, "You better not rat me out to anyone. If you think you are in pain now? You will be in much worse shape than what happened tonight." Oh my god, it's her. I start to breathe heavy, every breath harder than the last. How has she gotten my number? I get a uneasy look on my face. I can't handle this, I can't. I go to get up and Hawk looks at me.
  "Is everything ok? You don't look to good."
"I need out of here now." I say, trying to get up.
  "Woah woah woah." Hawk says, trying to stop me.
"What in the hell do you think you are doing?"
  I look to him in a terrified manner. "I need out of here now."
  "Is everything ok? Who texted you?" he says, grabbing my phone.
  "No no NO. Please don't look at it." I say, sobbing.
"Ok ok I won't. Everything's ok you are safe." says Hawk.
  "I'm not though. She found my number, and if I show it to anyone. I'm dead meat." I say, propping my head onto Hawks shoulder, crying uncontrollably.
  "It's ok. They can't hurt you anymore." he says, putting his arm around me. "We got you." Hawk says.
  "What do you mean?" I ask.
"That whole meeting that Sensei Lawrence and Mr LaRusso had was about how we should approach this situation." Hawk says.
  "What?" I say.
"So you got injured because they took Sam out before she could do anything. She could've taken them down but they got her before she could throw a punch. Miyagi Fang is going to improve their Karate. We are going to work on offense. When me Miguel and some of the other former Cobras moved to Miyagi Fang, we knew offense, but Samantha, who has always been in Miyagi Do, never practiced offense, so she couldn't strike first." says Hawk.
   "She can only defend." I said.
  "Yeah, and they picked her up before she could even analyze what had happened. They banged her up a little bit as well."
  "They did?"
   "Yeah, whenever they first walked out. She was waiting for them. Then they circled her and she knocked down a few of them, but the ones she didn't knock out got her. Not as bad as you, but they busted her lip and gave her a black eye." says Hawk.
   "I'm so sorry that happened." I say.
  "It's not you that's the problem. It's Cobra Kai. They preach on Striking First, Striking Hard, and No Mercy. They practically live off of it." 
   "That explains what that girl said to me a lot more." I say.
   "What did she say?"
  "Before she hit me in my throat, she said. 'No Mercy bitch.' Which makes a lot more sense now."
  All of a sudden, I am taken back to that moment. Her grabbing my jawline, the way she looked as she was hitting me, like it was satisfying for her.
"Kate, is everything good?" says Hawk.
"Yeah, everything is fine." I say, realizing my misery.   "Your dad just texted me." said Hawk.
  "Since when do you have his number?" I asked.
"Since I decided to stay here with you. Anyway, he wants to know if you are up. What do you want me to say."
  "Tell him I woke up but I'm not up for having anyone around at the moment. I don't want him to think I'm knocked out."
   "Ok" he types, then says aloud, "Sent. Is there anything you want to do?" Hawk says.
  "Not really." I exclaim.
  He holds me. And then suddenly I catch myself dozing off.
  I fall asleep.

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