Chapter 19: Always expect the unexpected

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We pull up to the Arcade and try to find a parking spot.
"Of course every teenager in the fucking valley decided to come to the Arcade tonight. Shit." says Hawk, frustrated that he can't find a parking spot.
"It's okay Hawk, you can park in the corner and we just walk." I say, trying to soothe his nerves.
"Or, we can do something fun." says Hawk.
I suddenly have the feeling that this will not be fun.
"What is that?" I add.
"You'll see." says Hawk.
He drives to the side of the hut where you first pay to get into putt putt and stuff.
"Wait, isn't this the employee's parking lot?" I ask.
"Yeah, we got a good parking spot and we can pull out easily." he says.
"Are you sure about this? Won't we get in trouble?"
"Probably not honestly, and nobody else has the balls to park over here so we are good." Hawk says.
Well, first somewhat date is starting and a law has been broken.
"Oh okay."
"You ready to have fun, haha." says Hawk, following a giggle.
"Yeah, I am." I say, with a very complex tone in my voice.
"Is everything okay?" Hawk says.
"I'm fine, just thinking about what Silver said to me today. It was almost as if he was wanting me to join Cobra Kai so I wouldn't get harmed in whatever karate WWIII thing you all have." I say.
"Don't let that guy cloud your judgement for tonight, let loose and have fun. We can talk about all that bad shit tomorrow." Hawk says, trying to persuade me to just let loose.
"You know what, you are right. Let's have a fun night." I say, giving what Hawk said a try.
"Ok." he gets out of the car and walks over to my side of the truck and opens the door. "Try not to slip this time, it will make it much easier to get out." he says, in a sarcastic and funny tone.
"I will definitely try not to." I say, in a funny tone, starting to laugh whenever I say it.
I get out, and don't slip, and Hawk shuts the door behind me. Following locking his truck.
"So, are you any good at miniature golf?" Hawk asks.
"Honestly, I have never played. In the small town in Utah I lived in, the only way to have fun was to go to the Mexican restaurant with your friends and then go bowling." I say.
"Wow, well I guess we will figure out if you are any good at miniature golf then, hopefully you won't suck." says Hawk.
Wow. So comforting.
We walk up to the hut.
"Two golf balls and two clubs for the night will be 35 dollars." says the woman at the register, handing us our temporary property.
"Okay, do you want blue or red?" says Hawk.
"I will take the red." I say.
"Okay then, have a good night."
"Sir, this is a 40?"
"You can keep the change for yourself, have a goodnight." says Hawk, in a gentlemanly manner.
We start to walk into the building, it looks very decorative in different colors and and light. Very pretty.
"So, do you want to find Sam and Miguel?" says Hawk.
"Sure, that sounds like fun." I say.
"Ayo over here." says Miguel, interrupting our conversation. Samantha pointing out to him that he shouldn't have yelled that.
We walk to the other couple. "Hey." I say.
"Hey." says Samantha.
"Should you tell them or should I?" Hawk says.
"Don't they already know?" I say.
Hawk bends down and whispers in my ear, "Only Miguel knows and he is acting like he doesn't. It's a surprise for Sam." Hawk says.
"Well, if you want to you can tell them." I say.
"Are you sure you don't want to?" says Hawk.
"Okay, fine I will tell them." I turn to Samantha and Miguel. "So me and Hawk are officially a-"
Samantha cuts me off, "YES I KNEW THAT YOU TWO WOULD BE TOGETHER. I told hawk that first night, but he didn't admit it." she says, with thrill and happiness in her heart. "I'm so happy for you guuuuuuuuyyyys." she says.
"Thank you." I say, laughing.
"Anyway let's have some fun tonight." Miguel says.
"Yeah." says Hawk.
We have a fun night of playing Miniature golf, and I have had so much fun with everyone. Then we go into the Arcade.
"Sorry Kate, but you will never beat my score in Mrs Pac-Man." says Hawk.
"In Utah and that bowling alley I told you about. The only arcade game they had next to the claw machine was Mrs Pac-man." I say.
"Okay then, beat it." says Hawk, in a competitive and playful manner.
About 15 dollars later of coins being invested in the game. I beat his high score.
"Ain't no way." Hawk said.
"Way." I said.
The time is 7:30, almost 8. Hawk says, "It was fun hanging out with you both tonight, so I think I'm gonna take Kate home."
"Yeah, we are probably about to leave as well. It is getting late and we have practice at Miyagi-Do tomorrow." says Miguel.
"Oh that's right, I forgot. Why don't you join us tomorrow, see what the dojo is all about." says Samantha.
"Sure. That sounds good to me." I say. "Before we leave, I need to use the ladies room."
"Oh yeah, it's over there in the corner by the start of miniature golf." says Hawk.
"I'll join you." says Samantha.
"Uh.. sure?" I say. Why is she joining me on going to the bathroom. It's kind of a single player activity.
"So, I think Hawk is going to invite you to the first bonfire of the summer. It's over by the beach." says Samantha, as we are walking in the direction of the Ladies restroom.
"Oh okay, that sounds like fun. Looking forward to it." I say.
"Okay then." she says as we enter the bathroom. "I need to touch up my makeup, I don't know what Miguel is wanting to do after this." says Samantha.
"Oh okay." I say.
"He probably thinks we are gonna go to second base tonight, but he always tries." says Samantha. Did she just openly discuss her sex life with me? Okay... I guess.
As soon as I flush the toilet I hear some other girls enter the restroom. "Well look who it is, Samantha fucking LaRusso. Oh wait, sorry, LaPusso." says a girl.
"If you don't want your ass kicked like what happened at the tournament. I suggest you walk away." says Samantha.
"Oh shit, I almost forgot. How's the Malibu Barbie girl who just moved in. Her house is nice I see." says the girl.
"Just leave her out of it. Just quit being such a bitch." Samantha says.
Oh shit, what do I do? I'm in the stall like a pussy, I need to go out there.
"I forgot what her name was... I know it was Crazy something... dammit was was it. OH SHIT I REMEMBER, Crazy Katie! Yeah, that's what it was. I guess crazy ass bitches stick together." says the girl.
I step out of the stall. "I'm not crazy anything. Leave me and my friend alone, have a good fucking night ladies." I say to the women in the bathroom, and as I go to walk away.
"KATE! WATCH OUT!" says Samantha.
I feel a girl grabbing the back of my hair. Before I can do anything, I hear.
"Get LaPusso." says the main girl.
"Dammit let go of me." Says Samantha.
The girl that grabbed my hair pulled my entire head to the floor.
"Hey crazy Katie, nice to meet you. I'm Natalie." says the girl. "So you didn't wanna join Cobra Kai huh. Well, I hate it for you, because now you have to face the consequences."
"Let GO OF ME" says Samantha.
"Get LaPusso outta here." says the girl. "We need to show this girl what Cobra Kai is all about."
I see the girls pick Samantha up fully, and one of them opens the door and the rest throw her out. Following quickly they slam the door shut and lock it.
"Let me in there." Samantha says, "LET ME IN THERE"
They pick me up and throw me towards a wall, I grab my head before it hits the cement.
"Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide." says the main girl.
Three girls grab my shoulders and pick me up off of the floor.
"Looks like it's time for a game of Test your Strength."
I feel a fist thrust into my face. Then another thrusting into my chest. The agony keeps on for the next few moments, then they throw me down to the ground.
"Should've joined Cobra Kai."
I try to breathe, but the more I try to take in air, the more blood drops from my nose.
The girl looks to me and says. "I wonder why they called you Crazy Katie, why don't you tell us the story." says the main girl.
"Fuck you." I say, spitting blood on her.
"Oh, looks like Crazy Katie needs to be taught another lesson. Pick that bitch up."
I punch one of the girls in the face and dart towards the door, but the door won't unlock, come on door, please open.
"Get her"
Dammit dammit DAMMIT please open.
The girl I punched grabs my hair and pulls it like it's a weight sled. She grabs the roots of it and starts throwing my head into the wall. I feel my face starting to bleed, it feels like it's falling off. She keeps on slamming my head into the wall and drops me, my entire body becoming one with the floor.
"Hahah, she thinks it's over." says the main girl. "Damn Rory, you really got her face banged up."
"Fuck all of you." I say, barely getting the words out.
She picks up my head by my jawline, pulling it closer to her face. "No mercy bitch." she says, as her other hand is in the shape of a V, and it slams into my throat, barely being able to breathe.
"Let's go girls, our job here is done." she says, as they all walk away.

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