Chapter 62: Mental Preparation

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I feel the water drip down my face and slide down my body. I grab the soap bar and clean my body, I try to clean my mentality as well. My mind feels clouded, I just long to breathe and feel like everything will be alright.
I step out of the shower and grab my towel. I wrap it around my body and step over to the counter. I blow dry my hair and do my morning skin care. I open the bathroom door and walk across the hallway to my bedroom.
I get in my bedroom and it is exactly how I thought. My bed is made up, some of my clothes are laid across my bed, I'm assuming that Samantha was trying to plan my outfits. I walk over to the door of my closet and step inside. I walk to the left of my closet where my dresses are. I look through the different dresses to find the one I want to wear. A yellow one doesn't seem right, and a pink one is too bold, I end up choosing my plain black dress with some black heels.
I have my clothes on and walk over to my vanity. If them bad men can wear masks then so can I. I apply my foundation and put some contour and blush on. As I am applying my mascara I see someone in the corner of my eye and turn around to see who this person is.
"Hey." Sam says.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask.
"I decided to come by on my way to get Miguel. We're going to get some breakfast." she says. "Was there anything you wanted?"
"No, I'm good."
"Okay." she says, as she stands at the door.
  "Okay then." I say, turning back to the vanity.
"So.. the makeup looks good so far." she adds, trying to make way for a conversation.
  "Yeah." I plainly respond.
"Kate. How are you taking all of this?" she asks. "You don't really seem like yourself."
   "Honestly, I'm really nervous about all of this. To face them, to explain what I went through in a court room full of people." I sigh. "I just don't know." I say, unsure of myself.
"Listen. I understand that you are a little nervous, but that's why we are there. We want you to know that we are there for you and that we love you and support you. 'Toda va a estar bien'."
   "I sure hope that everything will be alright." I say.
  "It will be, because we will be there supporting you." Samantha says, holding my hand. "We just want you to be okay."
  "Thanks Sam." I say.
   "So. What's the new details on you and Hawk? I'm so glad you two are okay after that shooting at the hospital."
  "Yeah. We kind of had a moment before the shooting." I say.
  "What kind of moment?" Samantha says, being nosey.
   "Don't you have to go get Miguel and go get everyone's breakfast?" I ask.
  "Eh, everyone can just eat fast. TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED." she says.
  "Geez okay." I say. "You didn't have to make that vein in your forehead pop out like my brother's height."
   "Okay spill."
"We were standing there and then next thing I knew we were making out. Then it got all awkward because he was holding my face and then we heard the shots and Hawk became a totally different person." I say.
   "Adorable. Just fucking adorable." Samantha says. Her face then changes. "Wait... how did he become a different person?"
   "He got all defensive and well put together. He didn't look nervous at all. He was just focused on getting us both out of the situation safely." I say.
  "Yeah, he can be a little bit overprotective." she adds. "Anyways I have got to go. See you in a bit?"
  "Yeah. We will head back to your house after we get ready."
  "Okay, love you." she says, hugging me.
  I embrace the hug. "I love you too." I respond.
   Her phone dings and she looks down to it. "Dammit. He's wanting to know where I am. See you later." she says, rushing out of my bedroom.
  I've got so many thoughts running through my brain. Who was the 'mastermind' behind this? Who is responsible for my kidnapping? Will they just get a slap on the wrist or will they actually get prosecuted? I'm not sure what to think or what to do.
   I go over to my nightstand and open the bottom drawer on the left side. I see my passport.
   No Kate.. don't do it. No matter how tempted you are you can't run away. Well.. I mean technically I could. I have enough money to last me until 2030. Dammit I'm thinking about it now.
   No Kate, don't you dare go on Priceline. Don't you dare look at 5 star hotels in New York. You better not book it. Well I booked it. Dammit, undo it.
   I hurry up and close my computer before I do something I will regret. I put it back in my bottom drawer along with my passport. I just want to get away from here, from this mess. I just can't deal with any of this shit anymore. Oh well, give it up Kate.
  I sigh.
  "Hey." Hawk says. "You ready to go?"
"Yeah." I say.
   "Woah woah woah. What's wrong?" he says, reading me like a book.
  "I don't want to talk about it." I say.
He looks past me and walks over to my nightstand drawer. DAMMIT I forgot to close it!
   "Are you going to go somewhere?" he says.
  "No." I respond.
   "Then why is your passport out? Along with your computer." he says, going to turn it on.
   "I wouldn't do that." I say.
  He unlocks it and looks at the screen. "Are you sure you aren't planning on going anywhere?" he asks.
   "I thought about it and decided not to do it."
  "How could you even think about-" he cuts himself off. "I understand why you want to go away, but you can't just leave Kate. First of all, you would have everyone worrying about you and trying to find you. Secondly, would you seriously risk putting yourself in harms way just to get away?"
  "Hawk. I-"
   "I would tell you to sit down and talk about this, but we don't have the time. It's 7:30 and we need to be back at Sam's house by 8. I just-" Hawk sighs. "I just can't believe you would try and run away and have all of us worried about you."
   I lock the house door and then we have a silent drive back to the LaRusso house. It's going to be a long day.

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