Chapter 4: Curiosity often makes us worry

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       It is currently 7:21 pm, and we finally finished getting everything out of the truck, and we only have to finish unpacking boxes.
      Exhausted, Miguel gets up in front of all of us and says, "Hey, why don't we all hang out tomorrow?"
     "Well, I'm probably going to be back here tomorrow to help them finish moving." says Hawk.
      "You know you don't have to if you don't want to, it's completely okay." I say.
      "No, it's okay. Anything to help out a neighbor." Hawk says.
       Sam looks at Hawk and then give each other some kind of signal.
      "I'm going to be a bathroom." I say, knowing I don't actually have to go to the bathroom but I am going to eavesdrop whenever I get in there.
       I shut the door, but luckily it's a thin door so I can hear everything. I put my ear to the door.
     "Okay you never do anything out of the goodness of your heart, so what is going on with you?" said Samantha.
      "I know what's going on, " says Miguel, "hawks gotta crush."
      "Shut the fuck up. I'm clearly not even into blondes. So shut the hell up before I shut you up." says Hawk.
       "Damn, okay Hawk." replies Miguel
      "I can see why he has the hots for her though, she is fine." says Robby
     "Dude shut the hell up, she isn't a fucking object, she is a human being, be more respectful Runner-up." says Hawk
       "Hey, we already talked and we are over that shit, so never mention that fucking tournament again." replies Robby.
        "Guys, chill out. This is not the time or place." says Miguel.
         "You are right, but I swear to god, if he pisses me off this will be the time and the fucking place."
      How do I even take in that? Did he really just cuss his friend out... over nothing? The room feels like it's spinning around in circles. I can barely breathe. There's a pit in my stomach.
        I start to feel myself coming closer to the ground, I try to grip onto gravity to save me, but I can't help myself.
     Damnit DAMMIT "DAMMIT" oh shit, did I just say that out loud? Well, either that or I'm just slightly insane.
        I hear someone running towards the door.
      *knock* *knock* *knock* "Hey, is everything okay in there." says Samantha.
   Oh, it's her?
      "Yeah, I'm fine." I respond.
    "Can I come in?" she asks, wondering if I'm okay.
       "Yeah, you can." I say, as I approach the door to unlock it. "It's unlocked."
      She opens the door, and walks up to me. "Are you sure you are okay? You look flustered."
     "I'm positive, I'm fine." I say, not positive with my words.
     "Well let me help you up." She says as she puts her hand out.
      I gracefully accept her offer. "Thank you."
      "What happened?" she asked, concerned for my health.
      "I'm fine." I say, cleaning myself up.
      Samantha starts to walk away, but what was the screaming about? What was that whole thing about? I have to figure this out. Now.
    "Samantha, wait."

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