Chapter 21: Where am I?

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   I wake up, and I can finally see. I feel very lost though... where am I?? I look to the left of me and see a window, and then attached to the wall right in front of me is a tv, then a little further right is a door, then to the direct right of me, I see an IV. Am I seriously in the hospital right now? It's pitch black outside. What time is it? Do I have my phone on me? I look around my bed for my phone. Where is it? Unless someone took it... I hope not. I suddenly see a figure coming at me from the door, oh shit... is it someone who is going to hurt me? This is a freaky nightmare isn't it. The figure is getting closer and closer.
   "Hey, I see your finally awake." says Hawk. Wait, Hawk? Why is he in the hospital this late.
  "Your dad went back to your house to sleep for the night, he will be back in the morning." says Hawk.
  "What time is it?" I say.
"It's 2:27 AM right now." says Hawk. Holy shit, I have been out for like 5 hours.
"How much longer am I going to be in here?" I say.
"A few days, just for your blood to reproduce. You lost 43 percent of your blood." says Hawk. Damn, those freaky girls really fucked me up.
  "Why are you here at 2 something in the morning?" I ask.
"Incase you woke up. I'm actually supposed to ask you a few questions instead of the other way around." says Hawk.
  "Okay, ask away." I say. He picks up the clipboard that is on the table right beside my bed.
"What is your name?" Hawk asks.
  "Katelyn Eleanor Salvatore." I say.
"Who am I?" he asks.
  "Hawk, or Eli Moskowitz." I say.
"How old are you?"
  "I'm 16."
"When's your birthday?"
  "September the 23rd of 2006."
"Do you remember what happened for you to be in here?"
  "I remember most of it, but most of it is hazy." I say.
"Do you know what day it is?" says Hawk.
"June 19th.. I think." I say.
"Correct. Your doing great, only one question left." says Hawk.
"Okay, shoot it." I say.
"Do you know where you are?" says Hawk.
"The hospital." I say.
"Well, you don't seem to have a concussion. That's a good sign." says Hawk.
"That's good." I said.
"Is your throat still hurting, because the nurse brought some stuff earlier incase it is. It looks and smells like shit though." says Hawk.
"I'm good, it's just sore." I respond.
The room goes silent for a moment. Then Hawk says. "Are you okay? We really didn't know what was gonna happen to you earlier."
"I'm fine for the moment. My head kind of hurts though." I say.
"They bashed your head into a wall, your head is going to hurt for a while." said Hawk. Well no shit Sherlock.
"Does my face look bad?" I said.
"Nah, only 10 stitches. You will be better in no time." says Hawk.
"Where are the stitches at on my face?" I said.
"You didn't see in the reflection of the bathroom at the Arcade?" says Hawk, concerned.
"No, after they left, everything was hazy, I barely heard what you all of you said." I say.
"Well, if you want, I can help you walk to the bathroom to see the damage." says Hawk.
"I don't know, do I?" I say to Hawk, depressed.
"You are still as beautiful as you were this time yesterday. You just got a little messed up. It happens to everyone at some point." says Hawk, in a comforting tone.
"Be honest with me." I say, trying to get the truth out of him.
"Okay, I will. You look beautiful. Do you want me to describe you to yourself?" he says.
"Okay then." I say, moving my waist up in his direction.
"Your jawline is still sharp. You have a scar on your throat. Your cheekbones are still there, but there is a cut right underneath them. Underneath your eye your autumn skin is a cherry red. You have stitches from the corner of the right side of your forehead up to the end of your right eyebrow. It's not bad." says Hawk.
"You know what, I do want you to help me get up and go and look at it." I say.
"Okay, when I get you off you need to hold your IV and I will help you walk to the bathroom. The doctor said you might feel lightheaded when you first start to get up though so we need to take it easy." says Hawk.
"Okay." I say.
I go to start moving my body, and it's easy, my body is moving the way I'm wanting it to and there are no problems with it. Until I go to get up. I feel my body rejecting it. "WooAAAH." I say, as I feel myself falling to the floor.
"Hey hey hey." Hawk says as he catches me. "I've got you." he says reassuring me that I'm okay.
"Grab ahold of your IV." says Hawk.
"Why?!" I say.
"Just do it." he says.
"Okay." I respond.
He puts his arm around my back and his other underneath my thigh, then when he goes to lift me, it moves down to my knees. I look at him as he is moving me to the bathroom. He is so generous. He is here in the hospital with me when he could be home asleep right now.
"See, you still look beautiful." says Hawk, propping me up on the hospital bathroom counter.
I look into my face and I don't see me. I see a person who didn't fight back and didn't try. I see my reflection and don't even recognize myself. Someone who has been fighting for every inch of what is hers. I'm no longer that person. I am a symbol of what happens to someone when they don't go along with the crowd.
I'm the sacrificial lamb.

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