Chapter 27: Making plans

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"Ok we are done for today. WORK ON WHAT WE DONE TODAY!" says Sensei Lawrence, who just finished tackling a kid, "Bert, go put some ice on... everything."
Bert groans, "I'm always the practice dummy. Always." he struggles to say, walking away.
"So, what do you all want to do?" says Miguel.
"I have no idea." says Samantha.
"Why don't we go to the mall?" says Anthony.
"Are you completely clueless? That's where a fight was last time." says Samantha.
"Yeah, sorry about that." says Hawk. What is Hawk sorry for?
"You can't help it, you were in Cobra Kai." says Demetri. "I forgive you my Binary Brother."
"Hey. Stop bringing up that nerd shit." Hawk says.
Oh okay. Cobra Kai. That makes more sense.
"What do you wanna do Kate?" Miguel says, walking over to me.
"It doesn't matter to me." I say, being indecisive as always.
"MIGUEL, ROBBY. COME HERE." says Sensei Lawrence.
"God let's go see what he wants." Miguel says to Robby, both of them walking away from us.
"Why don't we go to the mall anyway. We can have fun." says Anthony.
"Like hell. We aren't doing that Anthony." Samantha says.
"She's right, we don't want to have another run-in with the Cobra Kai's. Especially since Kate is with us." Hawk says.
"Well I mean what do you propose us doing Samantha?" Demetri says.
"So when can I walk without me passing out? Because if I could I would walk away right now. I would wheel away but my freaking back wheel is stuck." I say, frustrated.
"It's ok I'll help you." Hawk says, pushing me back, getting me away from everyone. Walking me away.
"So, what did you think of practice today?" Hawk asks.
"It was very intense, I can't believe Samantha was sparring against guys." I say.
"Well, there are no other girls for her to spar against, so, she gets to kick our asses." says Hawk.
"So you are saying once I can walk and stuff again I have to fight Sam? She will fuck me up!" I say.
"We don't spar all of the time. We also don't hurt each other that much. It's just about what we know coming out through our movements." says Hawk.
"So that was you not hurting that other kid." I say.
"Well you are gonna get hit, you just can't be a pussy and let that get in the way of what you want to be. A bunch of people have alter egos that they get into when they fight."
"Alter egos?" I say.
"Yeah, you can create this one part of you and then when you fight you become that person." Hawk says. "I become the person I used to be in Cobra Kai. I don't like that person a whole lot but when I jump into that alter ego I get shit done."
"Oh okay. So like... we can have our alter egos be who ever we want?" I say. "Okay, mines name is Selki Twiki." I say, in a jokingly manner.
"That's not actually a bad name."
"Oh okay."
"Hey guys we finally have what we are going to do tonight." says Samantha, walking up to where we are. Miguel and Robby coming to where we are from the other direction.
"What would that be?" says Hawk.
"We are going to all hang out at my house and play games on the TV. We are using Anthony's Nintendo Switch." says Samantha.
"There better not be so much as a scratch on it." said Anthony.
"What about your mom and dad?" I ask.
"They are going to be out for a business dinner tonight." Samantha says.
"Oh ok. I will bring snacks." says Miguel.
"I'll bring some pizza." says Hawk.
"I'll bring my switch, oh wait." says Anthony.
"Oh quit being a baby. We aren't gonna hurt your precious Nintendo Switch nerd." Samantha says.
"I will bring drinks." says Demetri.
"Okay so it's set, we will see you tonight." Samantha says. Grabbing my wheelchair.
"C'mon let me push myself."
"Fine but don't be complaining when you get stuck."
We are having a game night!

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