Chapter 12: June 17th, 8:56 PM

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   "Holy shit." Hawk says. "Do you know where the registration for the truck is?" Hawk says.
   "Yeah, it's right here in the glove compartment. I'll get it." I say, reaching for the glove compartment.
   Hawk starts to get his license from his wallet. At that moment we hear knocking on the car window. He rolls down his window.
   "May I help you officer?" says Hawk, respectfully.
"Is everything alright?" says the officer. "It's kind of odd to see two teenagers with a U-Haul in the middle of nowhere at 7:45 in the evening." He says, looking at Hawk.
    "Yes sir, everything is alright. This is my dads truck and we are just taking the U-Haul back to the U-Haul place." I say.
  "License and registration please." says the officer.
At that moment, I see my dad text me. "Is everything okay? It shows you two have been on the side of the road for a second."
   "Yes dad, everything is fine. I heard a gunshot and got scared, Hawk was just making sure I was okay. That's when I cop came to the truck." Then sent the message.
    "Shit." my dad texts.
  "I know." I type back.
    "This isn't your car?" the officer asks Hawk.
   "No sir, it's her fathers truck." Hawk replied.
    "Why isn't he driving?" the officer asks.
  "He was tired, so he had me take the U-Haul back to the U-Haul place." says Hawk. "I am their neighbor and she is a friend." says Hawk.
   "Is this true Miss?" he asks me.
  "Yes sir, it is." I add.
   "Okay. So, I am going to let you two kids off with a warning. A female and male teenager on the side of the road at night is very suspicious. I do not want to see either of you again." the officer says, "Now you kids have a good night." he says, walking away.
   "I thought we were going to get a ticket." says Hawk.
   "I know, I was so nervous." I say.
  "Let's get back on the road before he comes back." says Hawk.
"Okay." I say.
   He pulls back onto the road, and looks at me.
"Your secret is safe with me. I won't tell anyone." Hawk says, grabbing my hand.
   "Thank you." I say.
  Silence covers the car. His hand held onto mine. Him looking at the road, me looking at him. About 10 minutes pass and we make it to the U-Haul place. Hawk looks to me.
   "Why don't you send me the number for the U-Haul." Hawk says.
   "I don't have your number." I add.
  "Oh, well let me put it in your phone real quick." he says.
   "Okay." I hand him my phone.
  Seconds later he hands it back to me. "Ok, send it to me and I'll unhook it." he says.
   "Okay." I say. I send him the number.
  I get a text message from my dad, "Is everything okay? Did you two get a ticket?" he texts.
   "No, we got off the hook, he told us that two teenagers on the side of the road is very suspicious." I text back.
   "It kind of is, but I can understand why. Did you tell him?" my dad says.
    "Yeah." I say back.
  "Everything?" he texts.
    "No, just the outline." I said.
  "Good. Because the whole thing is brutal." he says.
"I'm aware dad. I was there." I said.
   "Wait... you told him about the pregnancy and the miscarriage as well?" he says.
   "No dad.. and I'm not going to." I say.
  "Okay baby. Have a good rest of your night."
   "Okay dad. Love you."
"Ly2" he cringely texts.
   I have a look of guilt on my face. I can't tell hawk about the pregnancy. Then the abortion. Me and my mom didn't even tell my dad about the abortion. That's why he thinks it's a miscarriage. I can't carry around my kidnappers child. Not at that young of an age. A look of grief hits me. I killed an innocent child because of what a bad man done. I hold my stomach, and lift my shirt to where the scar is. I suddenly don't feel like having a good night. How can I have a good night? I am a monster. I start to cry.. wishing my dad was there to hold me, or anyone was there to hold me. I feel so alone.
    Hawk and the man from inside lift and walk the trailer from the truck over to where the other trailers are located.
   I hear off in the distance. "Have a good night sir."
"Okay, are you ready to have some fu- Kate?" Hawk says. Going from happy to confused in a matter of seconds. "Why are you crying? Is everything okay?" Hawk says.
   "No, it's not." I say, sobbing.
  "Hey, everything is okay. You are safe." says Hawk, even though I don't feel that way. He reaches over the console and unbuckles my seatbelt. And pulls my body closer to his. "Everything is okay." Hawk says, hugging me. "How about we just go get some In-N-Out and head home? I will tell our friends that you just started to not feel well. We can go to the Arcade tomorrow." says Hawk.
    "You were really looking forward to the Arcade tonight though." I say.
   "I was just looking forward to having fun with you and our other friends, " he says, "I could give a shit less whether we went to the Arcade or not."
   "Yeah, please go to In-N-Out and then home." I say.
  "Okay, but before we do that. Please hand me my phone for a second." says Hawk.
    "Okay." I say as I hand him his phone.
  He puts his phone to his ear. "Hey Miguel. We aren't going tonight, we are going tomorrow night instead." then Miguel says something, but I can't understand what it is, "She just isn't feeling good at the moment." Then Miguel said something else.
   "Okay, we are on for tomorrow night instead." he says. "Now In-N-Out." Hawk says.
    "Im sorry." I say.
   "There is no need to be sorry. You are okay." He says, one arm around me and another on the wheel.
   "I'm surprised you aren't on me about the stupid seat belt." I say, with a smile following.
  "Oh yeah. Put on that seatbelt now." He says, in a jokingly manner. Making me laugh.
   "Okay fine." I say, wiping my tears and laughing.
We head to In-N-Out. About 20 minutes after we arrive.
  "What would you like to eat?" Hawk asks.
"Nothing, just a tea to drink." I say.
   "Unsweetened or sweet?"
  "Sweet obviously." I add.
    "What would your dad want?"
  "My dad would like a number 3 with Sprite."
     "Haha, imagine drinking Sprite without being sick. I could never." Hawk says.
   "How dare you hate on us Lemon-Lime soda drinkers. Shame shame."
   "The shame should be on the Lemon-Lime soda drinkers to be honest. Them people should be ashamed of theirselves."
   I suddenly realized that I was smiling, and not being depressed. Hawk really makes me feel like a one in a million.
   "Okay now let's take you home." says Hawk.
I text my dad what happened and he apologized for bringing it up, but then he said... wait... WHAT?! I am having a fucking aneurism right? Did I just read this properly. "If Hawk wants to, he can stay the night, but you have to have the door open. And be fully clothed. His mom already okayed it." Yeah. I just read that right. Holy shit.
  "Uh... Hawk?" I say.
  "Yeah?" He says, glancing over at me then back at the road.
  "Would you like to stay over tonight?" I ask.
"Wait, are you fucking kidding me?" He says.
  "Nope." I say.
"Hell fucking yeah!" says Hawk.
  We pull into the driveway, and shortly.

  We walk inside.

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