Chapter 30: Bye bye Wheelchair!

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I open my eyes and hear a sound, it's a buzzing. Oh shit, my phone.
"Good morning ☀️" Hawk texts.
"Good morning" I respond.
"How u feelin?" Hawk sends, with perfect grammar.
"I'm doing good. I feel a lot better."
"That's good. You gonna sit in on Karate today as well or what are your plans?"
"I'm actually thinking about participating in Karate today."
"You are still in the wheelchair lol"
"Actually, I'm feeling really good and I'm going to go ahead and cut my time in the wheelchair short. Today would've been my last day anyway."
"Oh okay, well if you really feel u are ready for it then go for it." he types back, respecting and understanding my feelings.
"Okay! I will see you at Karate."
"Okay, see u then"
I sit up in this comfortable bed, looking to the world around me, outside of my window I can see the beach, and I suddenly have a good feeling about today. I have an amazing and respectful relationship, I have an awesome few friends, and my brother is gone for the next week and a half so I get to spend time away from that. I just can't get over what he said. I mean, what he said dug deep and hurt. DAMMIT KATE, you are supposed to be having a good day quit shitting on it already.
   "Hey." Samantha says, walking to the bed with the wheelchair.
  "Hey girl, I'm feeling really good today so I don't think I'm going to use the wheelchair today. I mean after all, it would've been my last day anyway."
  "Are you absolutely positively sure?"
"Yes. I am."
  "Okay, but we are taking the wheelchair just in case." she says.
  "Okay fine, but I won't need it." I say.
"So I'm taking it your going to start learning Karate today..."
  "Yes, I am."
"Well I wish you luck with that, but until then, breakfast is ready downstairs, so just come down when you are ready. Mom told me to come up here and get you but I guess I'm not going to."
  "Sounds amazing, I will get ready and be down there in 15."
I get out of bed and realize my day is going to be normal compared to the past few weeks of my life. I'm walking, and not struggling to get up.
  I get my sneakers on, and go downstairs to Mrs LaRusso at the bottom of the stairs. "Samantha used these whenever she sprained her ankle. I think you should use them for today seeing how you are done with the wheelchair." she says, holding crutches in her hand.
  "I'm good, but thanks Mrs LaRusso." I say.
"It's not a suggestion, you either use them or you can't go out of the house."
  "Are you kidding me? This is insane." I say.
"Your dad told me to treat you like I would my own kids, so this is my way of doing that." she says, giving me a stern look.
  "I'm doing Karate today though?"
"You can do Karate today, but whenever you do your main whereabouts you will use these." she says, shoving them at me.
  "So the main question is, are you going to sit in the house all day or are you going to take the crutches?"
  "I'll use the crutches."
   She hands me the crutches, I can't help but to feel like a child. I mean, she is just doing this because of the big ass scar on my face, she looks genuinely scared for me, almost pity.
   "Are you ready to go?" Sam says, looking to me.
  "Yeah I guess." I say, getting up, moving the crutches to my sides and continuing to move.
   We walk to the door and Samantha whispers to me, "I have some news in the car."
   Hm? That's odd. I take my right hand off of the crutch and give her a thumbs up discreetly then put my hand back on the handle for the crutch.
   We get out to the car and I shut the door, her putting the crutches in the back seat and gets in the front seat to start driving.
  "Where's Anthony?" I say.
"He's not going to the dojo today. He is going with mom to the dealership today."
  "Oh okay." I respond, plainly.
"So there's a bonfire this Friday night. We are all going to it. I was going to ask if you wanted to."
  "I would love that." I respond.
"Oh okay, I will let them know. And now... time for some Miyagi Fang magic!"
  "Hell yeah!"

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